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Last Warning:Spoilers if you haven't played AT LEAST the Conquest ver. of Fates.


Man, how I love these guys.If you guys figured out who they REALLY are, I salute you from the computer screen.XD

If you guys DIDN'T know and/or you ignored my warnings, well let me fill you in.

These 3 are actually one of the many children from Fire Emblem:Awakening(and they're also 3 of my favorites).

The woman with the pigtails is our favorite tsundere, Severa.(Selena in Fates.So original)She serves Lady Camilla as her retainer along with Beruka.

The blue-haired fellow is our favorite flirt, Inigo.(Laslow in Fates.Still the same guy)He serves Lord Xander along with Peri.

And last, but certainly not least, the one with THE SWORD HAND(well, in this case, it's the TOME HAND), Owain!(Odin in Fates.The only one that changes classes in between the 2 games)He serves Lord Leo along with Niles.

You guys could say that I'm writing the aftermath of the Conquest Ending of Fates.The 3 decided to resign from serving their respective nobles to come back to the place they all call home.They will reunite with their loved ones, reviving their lost bonds and introduce their children to them.

In these stories, I paired up Inigo with Severa since their my future children OTP and Owain with Lady Elise(Yes, I paired him with a royal.Deal with it XD).If you don't like the pairings mentioned, that's fine.As long as you don't criticize me for it, I'll be calm about it.

Fun fact:I actually got Conquest first because I knew they were gonna be in the game.The children must be praised.

One more thing before I end this intro;If I can't pull of Owain's way with words, I am so sorry.I'll try my best to make it somewhat similar to how he speaks in the games.

Well, I think that's all I have to say for now without spoiling the stories I've thought of.I'm so excited to start this series.Since I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday free, that means that there might be an update to this(Obviously if nothing out of the blue appears in my face.No promises,though.)I will see you guys later.


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