Chapter 2

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"So Kurt tell me about yourself." "Well I'm 18, I live in Lima, I sing and I'm pretty unpopular." Kurt says looking down at the coffee Blaine brought for him. "I refuse to believe that Mr. Hummel, you are one of the best boys I have ever met." Kurt starts blushing and tries to turn his head to hide it. "Thank you but no I'm not popular, do you know why I'm even in here?" "No." "Well I got beat up by a few of the guys in my school." Blaine was speechless, Kurt seemed like such an amazing guy, how could people do that to him? Blaine gets up, walks over the to chair right next to Kurt and holds his hand. "I'm really sorry that happened to you Kurt, is there anything I can do to help?" "Yes one thing if that's alright." "What is it Kurt?" "Can you just keep holding my hand, no one has ever held my hand before." "Of course I will." No, they didn't know each other very well but there was chemistry. Blaine really liked this boy the first day he met him. "You know Kurt, you are so strong. You get beat up and you still seem to have a smile on your face." "Thank you. But the only reason I have a smile on my face is because you are here. I have been miserable for past couple days and no one has come to see me, then you came along. You are so happy and full of light, it kinda brushed off to me." They stared at each other for a long time just sitting in silence. The door opened and a voice said "Blaine, visiting hours are over, sadly you have to leave" "Ok nurse Jordan I'll be out in a minute." The nurse nodded her head and left the room. "Well I guess I have to go Kurt." Kurt was devastated, this is the first time he was happy in a long time. "Will you come back tomorrow?" "Of course I will. I'll see you tomorrow." Blaine got up and walked out of the room leaving Kurt waiting for tomorrow to come.

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