"Erabishi wa tadashiki michi subete ga, nageki mo egao mo kui mo yum emo kitto." Lyra says.

"Yukusue ni mayoitsukare sasurai, ibara o sono mi ni kizamu mo mata kitto." Tetra follows on.

There's a large gap where Aryll has a solo moment. She'd definitely improved over the years I'd known her, that boarding school she was attending had helped her find her confidence and spark and she'd grown up to become this organized, talented and intelligent young woman. I wondered what else she'd learn in the last few years she'd be there. After all she'd already been taught so much stuff from that place in the past four or five years but there must be more stuff waiting for her there. I knew Link couldn't be prouder of her anyway, always texting me whenever he got a letter from her and going into lengthy detail each time about how much he loved her and was so glad she went off to the school.

Tetra and Lyra both sang the final chorus together, hand in hand and slowly swaying side to side as they're voices trailed off at the very end. Once Link played the final note of the song, there was about a second of silence before the whole audience cheered and clapped as loud as they could, giving them a standing ovation. I stood up with all my friends and whistled, Link spotting me in the crowd of people and waving at me. I waved back with a blush tinting my cheeks.

The next song that was performed was with only Tetra, Link and Aryll. The two siblings stayed in their places as Lyra said she'd be back on stage in a little while and ran off to come and find me. She engulfed me in one of her bone crushing hugs and asked me if I was having a good time. As soon as I replied to her Tetra was all ready to go. One note on the piano played before the teen raised the microphone up to her mouth and started to sing.

"I know that you're hiding things, using gentle words to shelter me..." This song I hadn't heard in a while. I knew Link still listened to it often as he found it inspirational but I hadn't listened to it in over two years at least. Tetra sang it with such gusto and oomph that it honestly gave me goose bumps and made me a little emotional. I felt Lyra rub the side of my shoulder comfortingly, probably because she was getting ready to cry and just assumed I'd be on the same page as her. She wasn't wrong to be honest, the song reminded me a lot of my mother and all the letters we'd send back and forth to each other every other week. I think it stung a little because I knew my mom wouldn't even be here for my eighteenth birthday and it made me rather melancholic thinking about it. I mean, I knew she was coming to visit me for a week during Easter break but still!

"Though a thousand words, have never been spoken..." She gave it her all during the chorus and really belted out the lyrics, practically yelling into the microphone in her hand. This continued on for the rest of the song, all six minutes of it, and once it was over people were once again cheering at the top of their lungs and whistling.

"Ah, that's my cue!" Lyra whispers and rushes back onto the stage.

There were a few more songs after that. A few duets and some solos. Lyra and Tetra both sung: Evangelion, Colors, Sugar Song and Bitter Step. They both did one more solo each, Tetra singing Sax whilst Lyra sang Not Fall in Love You (Link got Bayonetta to come play piano for that song so he could come and dance with me). You'd probably think we'd get bored after a while but we loved each and every piece they performed! All of them were spectacular. There was a small break halfway through though so all four of the teens on stage could have a break and get some food and drink as well. I went up to them as they had their break and told them how amazing they all were and how thankful I was that they were doing this. That time all four of them had huge blushes on their face, my boyfriend snuck over to me and gave me a few kisses on my forehead as his way of saying thank you.

Yep, it was safe to say this whole party had been a success. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet to have all these great people in my life.

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