Chapter 2: Who Is She?

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After their visit to Billy, Edward and Jacob dropped Carly off at the Cullen's before the two of them went out together. They went to a drive-thru to buy food for Jacob before going to their spot at the border. They had been coming to the border more and more lately because they felt that that spot was magical for them. After Jacob ate they decided to lie down on the large boulder. Jacob rested his head on Edward's chest because the hard surface underneath them and the heavy weight on top of him will not hurt the vampire.

J: I don't have to be able to read minds to know that there is something on your mind.

E: I have just been wondering.

J: About?

E: What am I suppose to do now that Carly is starting school. I am used to spending everyday with her due to all the classes that I gave her, so now what am I suppose to do now?

J: Become a teacher. (He joked)

E: Jacob...

J: I know, just joking. Come work at the garage.

E: I may know a lot about cars but I certainly do not know how to fix one.

J: No, as the manager. Sam hates the admin, I suck at it and Paul just straight out refuses to do it.

E: ... Okay. If the other guys agree then why not.

J: Great. We're gonna have so much fun together.

E: Oh no, I am very serious when it comes to work, no messing around.

J: We'll definitely have to change that.

E: Not going to happen, Jake.

J: We have forever to change that, my imprint.

E: I would love to see you try. (He smiled running his hand through his short dark hair)

~A Few Weeks Later~

Carly had been going to school for that last two weeks and has been enjoying herself like nobody's business. Carly, Edward and Jacob were currently sitting in the living room of the Cullen house.

Ca: I saw mommy today. (She said as she started colouring)

E: What?

Ca: Yeah, I saw her.

J: In your dreams while you were sleeping?

Ca: Nope, I saw her while I was at school.

E: Are you sure that it was not someone else? (He asked sharing a look of concern with Jacob)

Ca: Mm-hm.

E: But we put her in the ground and then she went to heaven.

Ca: Now she's back daddy.

E: Darling.

Ca: Daddy.

J: This one really is your daughter.

Ca: Of course Jacob. So now that mommy's back what will happen to me?

J: You'll still live here with your dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Ca: But what if I want to see her?

E: I will think of something.

Ca: Okay daddy.


Edward's POV

Carly's words have gotten me worried so I decided to talk to my family as soon as I put her down to sleep for the night.

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