Chapter 1- Her (Amethyst)

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14 Years Ago...

It was my turn.

I didn't want it to be my turn.

I really didn't want it to be my turn.

Dante nudged my shoulder.

"Am..." He whispered.

I nodded gently.

"I know... I know."

I gently handed the sleeping infant, swaddled in a light blue blanket, who'd previously been in my arms, over to my brother, and got up from my seat.

I then began to drag my feet as I came closer to the podium.

Dirt was slowly becoming the new featured design of my shoes, but I didn't care.

I didn't want to do, what I was about to do.

Why did I think this was a good idea?

When I finally reached the podium, I took a deep breath.

My gaze went from Cadenza, who's eyes were bloodshot, and struggling to contain the tears that were streaming down her face.

Poor thing.

To, Levin and Malachi, Malachi's face was solemn and tear-stained, Levin's expression was puzzled, for he did not fully understand the magnitude of the situation.

That breaks my heart.

I reached the podium.

Okay Am, you need to do this.

Gripping the sides of podium for dear life, I began my speech.

"I'm not even going to cover this up. I don't want to be up here right now. The last thing I want to be doing right now is opening up a side of myself that I've kept concealed for a long time."

For a second time, I stared at the infant that was now being held in my brother's arms.

Do it for her.

If for nothing else, do it for her.

"But for the sake of her, our daughter, I felt that this was necessary for me to say."

I began once more.

"The day I became apart of Phoenix Drop, is a day I'll never forget. And although my past is filled with people who have done their best to tear me down, to break me... The people I've met as a result of coming to Phoenix Drop, have changed my life, for the better, and I will forever be thankful."

"L-Laurance, was one of those people," My voice trembled, "F-From the day I-I met him, he proved to me that he wasn't like the past men I've had traumatic experiences with. He didn't care about my broken past, h-he just wanted to be apart of my future. Even when I pushed him away, he wouldn't leave. He refused to leave my side. H-He told me I was strong, and made m-me feel powerful, like I could conquer the world."

My mind began to wander.

"You could continue to list all your flaws, but I'd much rather talk about how beautiful you are, how contagious your laugh is..."

My throat began to constrict itself.

"He t-told me I was beautiful, that m-my flaws didn't matter b-because he loved me in spite of them."

I could feel a stinging sensation from the tears in my eyes.

"After y-years of believing that I w-wasn't worth anything..."

" there is not a second that goes by where I don't want to be with you."

"He made me feel like I was perfect."

Perfect? Heh, that's far from the truth of what I'm actually like...

"He loved a broken girl who almost removed herself from the world."

"...but Amethyst, I love you."

"I will n-never forget how he's changed me."

"I-I will make sure that his memory lives on..."

"And that our daughter knows about the incredible man that h-her father was."

Laurance Zvahl.

The man who loved me when I didn't love myself.

Some Time Later...

With my left arm, I cradled my daughter.

She was awake now, cooing and giggling.

I couldn't help but ever so slightly smile.

Then I remember the pain that was occurring in my free hand.

It felt like it was on fire.

And I would know.

I was gripping a single rose in my right hand.

The thorns were piercing my hand but I didn't care.

I balled my fist tighter and shut my eyes.

All you have to do is place the rose.

That's all you have to do.

I exhaled, and let the rose slip out of my grasp.

And land on Laurance's memorial.

I opened my eyes, and softly whispered.

"I love you too."

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