The Seer of Possibilities

Start from the beginning

On this particular morning, their daily conversation lasted only a couple of minutes. As they exchanged their morning greetings and talked about Allie's wild night out, the elevator doors opened up behind them. Out hobbled James Bentley, the boss of both Jack and Allie.

James' loud complaining could be heard throughout the office, "My damn foot!"

"What happened, James?" came the mumbled queries.

"It's that damn plant they have in the lobby. I ran right into it and twisted my ankle."

"James, you can barely walk. You need to go to the hospital," came Allie's concerned reply.

"Can't do it now. I have meetings all day. Too important to cancel. I'll just have to tough it out."

Jack, feeling stunned, left Allie's cubicle mid conversation and sunk down into his chair. It was his fault, he was sure of it. How could he have been so stupid and careless? Still, no use in worrying about it now. A twisted ankle would heal, everything would be alright.

Upon his return home, Jack went immediately to his computer and turned it on. As soon as the computer booted up, the screen went black and a new message popped up.

"How was your day, Jack?"

He sat there, staring at the screen, not knowing how to answer. The message on the screen continued, "Actually, I know how your day was, but never let it be said that I'm not polite. You're wondering what's going on. You want to know why James Bentley had to twist his ankle. Well Jack, this chain of events isn't done playing out. I don't want to tell you too much too soon, but this will all make sense to you in short order. Just go to work tomorrow like you normally do. Don't worry about a thing Jack. You'll be rewarded. You're special. Talk to you tomorrow."
Jack sat back in his chair. What was going on? Who was this was sending him messages? Jack's curiosity was fully engaged, and he was almost a bit excited to see what would happen next.

The next morning at work started off as any ordinary day. Jack noticed that the plant had been pushed back fully against the wall, probably by the night cleaning crew. James Bentley showed up shortly after lunch, hobbling into the office on his one good foot.
"Man this foot is killing me," Jack could overhear him say, but apparently James still had a meeting he didn't want to miss. It wasn't until around 3 o'clock that Jack saw him again. James, who always seemed to prefer Allie over others, came limping up to her cubicle.

"Allie, you're not doing anything right now, are you?"

"Um, no. Nothing that can't wait until tomorrow I guess."

"Good, could you please drive me to see my Doctor? I probably should've gone yesterday, but I just couldn't get away. This pain is just killing me right now and I don't think I can drive myself, I barely made it here this morning and I don't think I can even push the gas pedal right now. We can take my car if you want."

"Yeah that's fine James, I don't have a problem taking you." Turning to Jack she said her goodbye, "See you tomorrow, Jackie." She put on her coat and slowly followed James as he struggled down the hallway. She gave a half turn and a shrug in Jack's direction, with a little smile as she walked away. Jack felt even lonelier than normal when she was gone.
It was ten minutes later that they all heard the crash. It was preceded by the loud horn of an 18 wheeler and screeching brakes. The collision itself was a sickening thud of two large metal object colliding. Even on the 7th floor it was loud. The office workers gasped and ran to the windows.

"Is that James' car?" One of them asked.

"Hard to tell from up here," someone responded, "It's so banged up."
The horrifying implication of what'd just happened came to Jack immediately.

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