Chapter 2: The Mermaid and the Ship of Lies

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Several quiet weeks passed after the Dragon Gem heist. The twins' airship, the "North Star" floated aimlessly in space, with little activity on board. Rose, in the process of recovering from her cold, passed it on to Shadow, and heists were out of the question with both twins incapacitated. By the time they recovered, Kaneari had already broadcasted a revenge challenge: The Mermaid Crystal, set to be revealed on his Poseidon luxury liner. The twins gleefully accepted the challenge, and told Hachi to prepare. "This will be your first real heist as our apprentice!"

Chapter 2

Hachi holds himself high as he enters the living room, making sure to show that he's capable. Today is the day of the heist, and he is absolutely certain he's prepared for whatever happens.

...except for the tall mummy sitting on the couch, drinking tea through the bandages wrapped all around its face. Rose glances up at Hachi from the opposite couch, and waves him over. "Hachi, this is Dark Eye, our other assistant. Dark Eye, this is Hachi. I was telling you about him earlier."

Dark Eye nods at him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hachi."

"N-nice to meet you too," Hachi responds. "I didn't know you worked for Mister Shadow and Miss Rose too."

"I only work part-time," Dark Eye says apologetically. "I have...other engagements."

"Oh, hey, Dark Eye." Shadow walks into the room, putting his hat on his head. He glances at Rose. "Are we ready to go?"

"I think so. Hachi, are you ready for your first official heist with us?"

Hachi nods vigorously.

Rose grins. "Then let's go!"


Oniyama scans the crowd gathered for the costume party. "Joker must be around here somewhere," he mutters.

Beside him, Momo takes another plateful of the food offered on the table. "This is good!" Ginko agrees, but points out the decorations: pictures of the Kaneari family line the walls, and Kaneari himself is on the cake. "Money can't buy taste," she mutters thoughtfully.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Kaneko speaks from the front of the stage, interrupting all conversation. She is adorned in an orange ball gown and a matching crown. "Welcome to the Gold Group's fiftieth anniversary costume party!" A trap door in the floor opens, and a golden statue on a black metal pedestal begins to rise. "Look at this! It's a true rarity in this world, a blue gem! This is what's known as the Mermaid's Crystal!"

A boy on the other side of the table shakes his head. "They're almost asking for it to get stolen at this point," he mutters. He flicks his fedora up and glances at the person next to him.

"Now, on behalf of the Gold Group," Kaneko continues, "Mister Kaneari will make a brief statement."

Just then, laughter echoes throughout the room. Oniyama perks up. "Th-that voice...!"

A panel in the ceiling slides open noiselessly, and Shadow descends through the gap, perched giddily upon a lift.

"Hello, everyone," he says. "Are you enjoying the party?" He hops effortlessly over the railing and onto the ground as the crowd erupts into whispers. "Surprised? I am-"

"Shadow! You've finally shown yourself!" Oniyama quickly knocks the surprised thief to the ground. He tackles him to hold him down, accompanied by most of Kaneari's guards.

"You Idiot!!! It's me, indeed!" Shadow rips off his mask to reveal Kaneari underneath. The surprised officers quickly back off, allowing him to stand. "It's a costume party, and I wanted to surprise everyone! Indeed, what were you thinking?!"

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