02 ♔ different

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"So, Silveena. Can you tell us what is going on around here?" Susan asked. I sighed and opened my mouth until I saw two Telmarines on a boat carrying a dwarf.

"I grabbed Susan's bow and an arrow and shot the boat. Susan looked where I shot. I gave her bow back and she grabbed another arrow and pulled it against the string.

"Drop him!" Susan said. We stood by each other as the telmarines looked at us. They then dropped the dwarf in the water. That is so not what Susan meant. A telmarine soldier picks up a crossbow but Susan shoots him. The other telmarine soldier dives in the water and swims away.

Peter and Edmund dived in the water. Peter went for the dwarf and Edmund wasn't for the boat. Both arrived back to the shore as Peter placed the dwarf down on the sand and Edmund brings the boat up. Lucy runs up at the dwarf and cuts the gag that was on his mouth and the dwarf then spits out water.

"'Drop him'?! That's the best you can come up with?" The dwarf angrily says. I roll my eyes on how rude he is.

"A simple thank-you would be suffice." Susan point out.

"They were doing fine drowning me without your help." The dwarf grouches.

"Maybe we should have let them." Peter shoots back.

"Peter!" I said angrily as I nudge him. To think that the dwarf was rude.

"Why were they trying to kill you, anyway?" Lucy asks him.

"They're telmarines. That's what they do." The dwarf says. He took the words out of my mouth

"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund asks in confusion.

Where has you been for the last few hundreds of years?" The dwarf asked with sarcasm.

"It's a bit of a long story." Lucy said. Susan then hands Peter's sword back to him. The dwarf looks at the sword and then up to Peter. He examines us for a second.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it? You're the kings and queens of old?" The dwarf asks. He refers me as Queen too because back then..... I was married to Peter. But since we both don't have our rings, I guess we're not.

"High King Peter... The magnificent." Peter introduces himself and holds out his hand to the dwarf. He didn't take it.

"You probably could have left out the last bit." Susan says.

"Probably." The dwarf says and then chuckles.

"You might be surprised." Peter says and then draws out his sword.

"Oh, you don't want to do that, boy." The dwarf says.

"Not me, him." Peter says referring at Edmund. Edmund draws his sword out and Peter then hands his sword to the dwarf. The dwarf takes it but the sword immediately drops to the sand. Edmund giggles and looks towards Peter since the sword is too heavy.

Suddenly, the dwarf knock's Edmund's sword away and swings. Edmund ducks and the dwarf hits Edmund in the face making Edmund back off.

"Edmund!" Lucy cries.

"Awe, you alright?" The dwarf says to Edmund as sarcasm. I smile.

"Edmund and the dwarf circle around and continue fighting. The dwarf slashes at Edmund's feet, but he jumps with both feet off the ground so that the blow goes under them. A few seconds later, the dwarf's sword flies out of his grip. The dwarf stares at Edmund and falls down to the sand.

"Beards and bedsteads! Maybe that horn worked after all." The dwarf said as he looked out of breath.

"What horn?" Susan asks as she takes a step forward.

"Why does it seem like you have changed?" I ask Peter. Honestly, he is acting a bit different. I can't put my finger on it, though.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"You seem.... Different." I say as I examine him.

"I'm not different. I'm the same guy you married a hundred years ago. But if you excuse me, I have a boat to row." He said and then walks off to the boat.

That's the kind of different I'm trying to say. He is giving me a bit of attitude and it seems like he's ignoring me. I sigh and roll my eyes as I make myself to Edmund.

"Is everything alright?" He asks me. I crossed my arms as I looked at the beach.

"He's not himself... Well at least not to me." I say as I wander my eyes to the ocean.

"Yeah... Before we got here, he got in a fight with some other guys at the substation. You probably don't know what that is, but he just got in a fight, his first fight." Edmund said. There has to be a reason why he's acting up. He can't just change in a snap of a finger.

"Edmund, how is it that you're not questioning about his strange attitude and you just go with it?" I ask as I laugh. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Well maybe because I've lived with his annoyance for about 14 years, I don't know." He says as he chuckles in the end.

"You're funny. Umm..... We should probably get going." I say as I noticed that everyone is getting on the boat. Edmund and I walk to the boat and we both hop on. I sit next to Susan as Edmund sits next to Lucy. Peter is rowing the boat as the dwarf is leading the way by sitting in the front of the boat.

I look at the trees and wonder if Aslan is here watching. He's no where to be spotted. I looked down. He must know what he's going to disappear. I really do with he was here to help us out. He could've exterminated all telmarines if he wanted to. I don't know why he didn't.

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