The Fear of Callubadous

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I stood sharply against a large metal pillar.

I felt enclosed against these steel walls, the steel walls that would never open.

I tied back my dark hair into a ponytail, adjusted my belt, and ran to the butchers shop.

"Tomas....?" I slowly asked, peering inside the ghetto building. I felt the heat from the open fire, and the humidity from the enclosed space.

I sighed shutting the door, looking around the shop. There were wood shavings covering the floor, and the small cabin was made out of rotting wood, against the counter was the messenger bell.

I walked silently to the counter and rung the bell, hoping to attract Tomas over.


"I'll be going now...." I slowly spoke, hoping for an interruption.

There was none.

I walked outside and looked at the small area I called home.

Dirt paths, small huts, and the steel dome that kept us all away.

What was the fear? Why did we do this?

"Vienna....honey, nice to see you..can you help me with this?" Mother asked, she motioned a jug of water, and I nodded slowly, my hair breaking from the band it was tied to.

"Mum...why do we hide so much? Didn't Pousiew say we were once victorious against the Werewolves?" I questioned, I blew my hair out of my face, and shifted my black eyes, and cringed when silence was returned.

"Don't speak of won't go out ....EVER!"she spat. She wanted me to fear the outside. She wanted me to fear her, but the look of terror emitted from her eyes.

"Fine." I recollected. I dropped the jug of water against my mother, where she picked it up immediately.

"Aye! Vienna!" a familiar voice yelled. I turned around in a complete swivel to see Tomas. His grey frizzy hair was matted down, and his excited eyes were dull with horrible and utter fear.

"Tomas!?"I screamed. He had jut then fell onto the floor, and a scroll fell from his hands. I ran over to him as tears flooded my face. A panick had taken over me.

Was he dead?

I quickly checked his pulse, and my heart dropped. I felt different, my soul felt heavier.

"Mom!" I shouted in sobs. I couldn't control myself...I quivered.

This man I had known all me life...dead?

From what?

I fell solemnly to the floor, crying and weeping.

He was a good man, I could feel lay heart breaking, and I cuddled next to him.

The man who took the place of the father I never had.

"" A rash voice ordered silently. I immediately perked up and I saw Tomas's mouth quiver.

I wiped and snuffled away the tears that took over my feeling.

His last words would be spoken, and I would be the only one to hear.

I turned around to see my mother gathering the very few villagers to watch the most hated mans death.

They looked at me in shame as they realized my sadness, my regret, and how much I cared.

"Find the boy....they must know the truth...Wicky...they must know..." he wheezed painfully.

"Wicky?" I carefully whispered. My hair flew wildly, and I heard his breath seize.

The Boy of Wadastrian WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now