But we went ahead and listen to him. Thinking that maybe he was right which I don’t get we thought that. We knew you and your family for years, so why did we let this man we never knew change our views on things. We were stupid and dumb, I know we were. I wish I could go back in time and give myself a good smack across the face.

I know it’s been year’s sense you last saw me and you may wonder how I found your address. After looking and looking, I found that you done this speech at a University in New York City about the Holocaust. It was then that I knew that you were still alive and had to write this letter to you.

After going online, I found a website that had address to send letters too. So I do hope this gets to you at least and I know you may not be writing this and somebody else maybe writing this but I hope it’s you.

I hope that you can forgive and that’s all I ask. And if you don’t I understand really, I do. Because I feel that I’m the reason why you were in it. We had to report any Jewish families we knew to the soldiers. We didn’t mean any harm and we didn’t know exactly what they were going to do. Please understand that.

Other than that know that we were put into custody. I had to know what we did was wrong. We help hurt so many people and killed so many people. We were all driven by rage because of him. But it was us to because we actually did these things and most of people I know said “We were brainwashed” but we weren’t we knew what we did was wrong but we still did it anyways.

After you guys left, I wanted to find you but my parents wouldn’t let me. Scared about what Hitler and his men could do they thought it would be a good idea to stay in the group. As if doing whatever the popular crowd was doing was ever good and you know it wasn’t but it didn’t faze Mom or Dad at all. I can’t believe I went along with them but they are my parents and I thought they knew right from wrong but that wasn’t the truth.

I’m still mad at myself, I always been which is why after I was allowed to leave the prison I committed myself to be a better person and I knew that would make whatever I did go away. It wouldn’t bring your parents or Emma back either. Or the other millions of people that died during the Holocaust. It was our fault for letting everyone go through something like that when really you guys are human just like us but believe in something different.

It took me a while to realize that. That being different was okay, we shouldn’t judge others because they believe in something different. We could learn from each other and spread the knowledge to so many people. We could have changed the world, but we did in bad way. I should have died with my parents who were killed because of being with the Nazis party. I should of died instead of your parents. It’s all of our faults and we should of did something and I know I repeated this again and again in this letter. But I’m truly am sorry about what we did and again I do hope you can figure me.

I miss my best friend, and I miss when we were young and use to play tag. I miss your old house were we would play hide in seek with Emma for hours till the sun went down. I miss the bike rides we use to have to the point when we got lost that one time. I miss the time when we went to school together and talked about the cutest boy in our class. I miss the times were we would go to the book store and spend ours going through all the books until your mother was the librarian kicked us out. Most importantly I miss my sister.

I hope you’re doing well, and that you get to read this letter. If you want to you can reply.

-Zoey H

When I got the little I didn’t know what do to. She was my friend, my sister and well we been through a lot together. So I decided maybe I should visit her. With help of my really good private detective, also known as my wonderful son Austin, we found that she was living in a flat in London, England.

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