“So what’s our plan” one of the girls my age asked. I couldn’t really see anyone so I went by voice. WE all talked at once and didn’t rush into things which was a good thing. We all sat on our beds facing, at least we thought we were facing each other. Some of the group sat on others bed so they could hear what was going on at least.

“So what’s our plan” one of the girls my age asked. I couldn’t really see anyone so I went by voice. WE all talked at once and didn’t rush into things which was a good thing. We all sat on our beds facing, at least we thought we were facing each other. Some of the group sat on others bed so they could hear what was going on at least.

“We could run off in different directions” said a voice that the women it belonged to seemed a little older. She seemed very tired at least.

That was a kind of a great idea in way, if we all ran in different maybe they would get us. Well they would get some of us. Also of course they would have their guns out most likely shooting at everything that moved or breathed besides themselves so what was the chance they would get shot? While there was a huge chance but still the plan seemed like it could work and I thought we should keep it in the back of our minds just for plan B or something. We need a plan that wouldn’t hurt the soldiers but many knock them out or something?

                Of course there was the other part we had to be worry about. If we did this plan, what if we were caught? Would they do the same thing they did to Emma and the others to us? Or would they just shot us right then? Would they let us leave or kill us seem the question that everyone was asking. We did this before but honestly we did have a great plan kind of but it failed. We had to have a really good plan that didn’t hopefully that did have a chance to let us die.

“Well we need to come up with a good plan, a plan that doesn’t have us die” muttered one girl. There was some yes and nods, well what looked like nods from the rest of the group. None of us wanted to die, we wanted to live and hopefully our plan would work or at least somewhat work. Either way we just wanted to be free. Whatever been free was, because I wasn’t sure what freedom was anymore?

So a plan maybe I should think of one? I mean I wasn’t that good with plans so who knew what I would think of. But one thing is that I had to get out this place. Actually I meant we had to get out of this place. Nobody was going to get left behind. We didn’t want anyone else to die. Not this time, we were done with people dying but that wasn’t going to stop the soldiers from killing others. Of course it wouldn’t.

We heard movement outsides so everyone went to “Sleep” we were awake but we weren’t asleep. The solider walked in to see if we were awake. We all were of course but he couldn’t tell. We heard his footsteps as he walked throughout the barrack. He had a torch with him so we had to close our eyes. We couldn’t just leave them open of course. We all at least had a plan if we were to be caught to act like we were sleeping which most of us did this before only with our parents. We had to be “fake” asleep so our parents wouldn’t know that we were awake.

The solider kept on walking around the barrack hoping that he would find someone awake. If that was so we would most likely all be in trouble. If one person got in trouble. The whole barrack would be in trouble. That’s how the rules went down. That’s why we had to be at least somewhat behave. The solider thought this was a better way to punish others. It was in a way effective, but they really just wanted to rid of us. At least that’s what it seemed like to everyone, I mean I think they would be sick of us already and they sure do act like they are. Calling us even more names and glaring at us when we glared at them. They knew we wanted to fight back and they knew that they would win but we weren’t going to let them, at least not this time.

The solider was still in our barracks and this was kind of creepy. I guess we better fall asleep as it was getting late and if we didn’t work hard every day I’m pretty sure they would kills us on the spot. But I still couldn’t fall asleep knowing the solider was in here it kind of made me a little bit scared and disgusted that he was watching we sleep. What if the soldiers did that when we were actually sleeping? What if they actually did that from the beginning and we didn’t even know it? That was just wrong and sick. And I felt sick all the sudden. I turn around facing other way so I wouldn’t see the solider. But I could still hear his footsteps, which almost seemed haunting. All I wanted to do was to go asleep but I couldn’t not with him here walking about like he own the place. Well of course they kind of did but it was still creepy. Place they were known to do some stuff to others which I didn’t even want to think about. It was just wrong, and I hoped that he would just leave already.

The Days I Rememberजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें