If there is will, then there’s away, at least that what the saying said. I didn’t know where that came from but I had to go with it. Because it gave me hope and hope was great in time like this.  I knew we couldn’t survive maybe out there in the wild but it was better than dying in here, killed by the soldiers. But I suppose it’s better to die for something you believe in then giving up. I wasn’t going to give up on fighting or being alive no matter how bad it would get I would fight till my death. I had to for Emma, for my parents and for everyone who died fighting for what they believe in.

            “I don’t think we can do that” whispered Emma trying not to cough.

She was tired and look very thin. I swear if she didn’t eat anymore I was going to give her my food. I didn’t like the look of this at all. I think my mother pass down her being worried down to me or something but either way I didn’t like the look of this. She is my sister after all and I didn’t think that her being sick like this would be a good idea. I just wanted her to feel better. I hope it wasn’t nothing to big and just a normal cold that would go away fast but if it was something seriously there was no way I could help her.

“You need a doctor Em. You’re sick and I don’t want you to get worse. We could escape from her and get you to doctor” I said in hush tone trying not to yell. Emma shake her head back and forth.

 I sighed and looked at my food frown on my face. I took a bite of whatever it was. It tasted kind of good but I still was afraid to eat it all. But it was food and I had to eat to keep my strength up. Besides really it wasn’t that bad, it was soup in away and also it wasn’t really soup but it was food. At least it was eatable I thought as I ate more of it. Always try to look on the bright side of things, it mostly always kind of helps at least some of the time. I was kind of use to it at least that was good.

“Holly it’s dangerous out there. If we don’t die in here there’s a huge chance it will be much worse. They talk about camps that are worse than this you know. Camps that just kill everyone” Emma looked at her food not once looking at me. I wondered where she heard that information from. Also that she said a sentence was kind of huge. She wasn’t a real talk at all, and with everything going on she hardly talked. So her talking this much was kind of new to me in way, at least it was for a while. I missed her voice in way

“Where did you hear it from” I asked very curious. Emma looked up and looked towards the guards.

“If you’re really quite they won’t notice you. They tent to talk really loud actually. I heard them talking about death camps that just kill you as soon as you get there. They wish they could do that here but they wanted us to work. At least that’s what they” said Emma with shrug and continued eating her food.

I started at my sister in shock. She basically just said a very long paragraph which she hadn’t said anything like that sense we got there so yes I was kind of in shock. That was the most she said in a very long time. And the fact she didn’t seemed like the 8 year old I once knew. She was never the kind to easy drop on people but she was good at acting invisible at least that kind of helped us. I was thankful this seemed to be not like the other camp but mad they still treated us like animals.

“That’s not going to happen. Everything happens for a reason, and we will survive this okay” I said grabbing my sister’s hand and looking at her with pleading look.  I also gave her reassuring smile hoping that would make her kind of feel better. I hoped she would never lose hope as most days I felt like I was going to any second.  Most days hope seemed like the only thing that was keeping us alive.

Emma nodded and continued eating but not really sure on what I just said. She seemed to be here but not really here. Emma the quite innocent girl I once knew was replace by a stronger more adult kind of girl. She grew up way to fast and that scared me.  Just months ago she was the girl who couldn’t sleep without her teddy bear with her at all times. But now I felt she was at least my age. I guess with everything going on I didn’t blame he. I didn’t feel like I was 15 years anymore. I felt as if I had to age and quick. I missed being a teenager. I missed playing games and hanging out with my friends.  I missed everything I had really before this miss happen.

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