As she neared the building she saw a poster standing outside of the building, right next to the door. It was a white poster easy to see from a fair. As she got closer she recognized a picture of herself on the poster, and could make out the words that laid before her:

Please Welcome Holly (Amelia) Cohen,

The Guest Speak in "The Days I Remember" the story of the Holocaust.

Below the bold print writing was a picture of her when she was 15 years old. She looked so happy back then and she messed being that way. It wasn’t like she wasn’t happy right now, but she just wished she it was the same before what happen. She missed her family and old friends. The Picture was taken on her 15th birthday. Her Mother wanted a picture of her on this important day. She was standing in front of a cake with white frosting ready to blow out the candles in front of her. The Lady grinned at the memory. It was one of her favorites. It was the day before her whole life changed.

She could almost smell her Mother’s homemade cake, as if she was there right now. How she wish she could have the cake again. Knowing that she would never will have the taste of the cake again wasn't the reason that she felt the wave of sadness hit her. No it was the fact that the picture held happiness she didn't think she would lose but she did. She did find the same happiness until years later.

She looked at her wrist, at the watch that was on her tiny wrist. It seemed too big for her now, it was her Father’s. The only thing she could find of his any ways. She kept it, made sure it worked and didn't want to throw it away. Even through the watch was getting quite old she still used it. She was lucky she found it at her old house after the after math. She only found a few of her things that she held dead. Photos of her family and some books she use to read.

She awoke from her thought as she glance at the time. She had two hours till her speech, not really a speech, but her story to be told. But she didn't move from her spot, eyes focus on the poster in front of her. She closes her eyes as she could remember what it felt like on that day.

 "Happy birthday to you" said voices. Many people surrounded Holly as she stood in front of the dining table that held a huge white cake in front of her. It was many people, it was few friends and family.

Holly wondered how many people could even fit in the apartment but glad everyone came. Well not everyone, some people were missing but she didn’t like that get to her.

 "Happy 15th birthday Holly" said a women with brown hair in the bun, her Mother sang. Much younger Holly pushed her brown hair out of her face, and was about to blow out the candles before her.

"Smile for the Camera Dear" said her Mother with a grin. Holly sighed, wanting to blow out the candles to make a wish, but she smiled for her Mother.

"Miss" said a voice waking her from her thoughts. She looked up next to her to see a tall young man standing before her. He was tall and lanky, seem to be still in college. He had blue eyes, tan skin and brown short hair. He smiled kindly at Holly.

 "Sorry, what did you say" she asked kindly to the Gentlemen before her.  The man smiled kindly again, didn't mind that Holly was lost in thought for moment.

 "I'm John Morris, I'm the one who called you on the phone" he smiled again. Wow this guy smiled a lot she thought.

            The memory of the call came back to Holly. She nodded, he was the one who called her about coming here to speak in front of everyone, or rather her daughter Sophie called them, and then they talk about what was going on but still the same thing. Either way she was here now.

 "Oh yes, sorry I remember now. I hope I'm not too early or late" she added nervously pulling on her scarf. She seemed to do that a lot. She wasn’t use to speaking in front of large groups but she was here now.

            John gave her smile and helped her up the stone stairs that lead into the building ahead of them. She didn’t expect him to be this nice. She wondered if he was genuinely this nice or he was force too. His smile seemed not fake.

 "No, Ms. Cohen, right on time" he said as he held out the door for Holly. They stepped into what looked like a Lobby.

“You can call me Holly dear” she said to John and he nodded. She hated it when people called her Mrs, or Miss or whatever really, it just bugged her. She even told her children’s friends to call her Aunt Holly or Holly if they must. Yes she knew it was sign of respect but she did like her first name and would rather be called by that.

 As they step into the Lobby, they were greeted by warm air. Which felt nice as Holly looked around. She was glad that she wasn’t in the cold weather anymore to tell you the truth.  

The Lobby was big spacious room. With few comfortable chairs spread across the room, with planets and tables with Magazines on them. The floors were made of red carpet seemed rather comfortable and blended in with the wooden walls. On the left side was an information both, with nobody in the both yet. The room looked rather comfortable and had this certain feel about them. As if it was home away from home.

At the end of the room, the opposite side that Holly and John were on was two medium size wooden doors. On the Wall above the doors was the word "Auditorium" in black bold letters. That was it she thought as they got closer to the doors. She wondered if she had to go in there right away or she would go into another room. She needed to prepare herself before telling her story to the group of people that would soon arrive.

"You don't have to go in yet, we have a room, next to Auditorium" John added, seeing the slightly nervous look on Holly's face. Holly smiled, and was thankful she had time to gather herself.

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