Episode II: Hedgehog

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Grace was walking away from the motel in which the Chanels stayed at, extremely sad and depressed from their rejection and her fathers death. Grace noticed the faint sound of footsteps behind her, and begun to walk faster towards her car. She heard the sound of a sword being pulled out of a sheath. Grace immediately froze, her faced turned pale and she slowly turned around, terrified of what she might encounter. No one was there. Grace room out her phone and pretended to call someone, to prevent whoever was out there from attacking her. This tactic worked until she arrived at her car. Something wasn't right. All of a sudden a sword was poked through the glass window of her side door and into Graces bag. "Ahhh!", Grace moved backwards as all of the contents of her bag emptied on to the pavement. The sword poke out again,completely missing her. The killer then jumped through the window and threw a knife at Grace, Grace instinctively picked up her leather bag and shield her face with it, the blade pierced through the thick leather and into her arm, causing her to wince and scream in pain. Grace took out her pepper spray and sprayed the attacker thoroughly, the attacker paused for a moment and clawed at his eyes. Grace then took out her laptop and slammed on the killer's head and continued to slam heavy items on him until he stopped moving. Grace bolted into her car and drove away as fast as possible, drove away as fast as possible back to her hometown traumatised by everything that has unfolded recently.

"We seriously need to get out of this place", said #3. "I think I know", shouted Chanel while staring out the window pondering just how exactly she is going to get the money to get out of here. "I have an idea", exclaimed #5. "And what is that?", questioned Chanel. "We can all break in to the Leisure Centre while no one is there and eat all of the food and stay at the nicest penthouses in the building, after all, I have the all access key, because I legally halve own that place", replied #5. "You know what #5 that isn't such a bad idea, it looks like heifers like you can have a purpose as well. Let's go Chanels we're leaving to go the leisure centre in 5."

The Chanels broke in to the Leisure Centre and begun staying at a penthouse at the top level of the structure and feasted on a copious amount of mini bar snacks for sustenance. "I will be right back, I just need to go downstairs to pick up some chocolate", said #5, interrupting their time with the tampon ouija board the Chanels were playing with. "Ok then, be careful not to die", replied Chanel with a grin on her face. #5 walked downstairs and to her surprise encountered someone cleaning the floors. #5 froze, confused about what to, luckily the cleaner didn't notice #5. She walked back up the stairs slowly, being careful not to make a noise. Then she heard it, the loudest scream. The scream belonged to the cleaning lady, the sound of a blade going through someone head broke the silence maintained at the temporarily abandoned Leisure Centre. #5 rushed up the stairs to the penthouse, but so did the killer. #5 then heard the sound of the Chanels screaming upstairs, when #5 arrived at the penthouse there was another killer and the Chanels were fighting the killer. Then the other killer came up the final flight of stairs and put a needle straight into #5's neck. She collapsed without the Chanels noticing her arrival, too busy with fighting off the other killer. The killer attacking the Chanels jumped out the window and the killer behind #5 put her in a body bag. Both killers exited the building along with #5's unconscious body.

"What just happened!?", screamed Chanel. #3 was covering her earmuffs with her hands and hand a traumatised look on her face. The Chanels then heard someone walking up the stairs and coming closer, fast. Instantly Jezyka walked into the penthouse, glaring at the remaining Chanels. "What have you done!?", shouted Jezyka. "There is a dead cleaning lady downstairs!", exclaimed Jezyka. "You're not even meant to be here!" "Then why are you here?", asked Chanel. Jezyka stopped. "Um, well, I live here", replied Jezyka. "You are disgusting", said Chanel. "Shut up Chanel. You know you two are lucky we were about to re-open today, but now since that fat lady just died downstairs, we aren't going to", said Jezyka. "*laughing*, you called #5 an old lady!", said Chanel. "What? The lady who died downstairs was the cleaner, I though "#5"was here!", said Jezyka. "We don't know where she is!", screamed Chanel. "Oh God, she is probably dead or kidnapped", said Jezyka. "I will order a search squad for her

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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