Chapter 2

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As soon as everyone was off the boat, it turned to chaos. Jason pushed his way through the crowd. He wanted to find that girl who smiled at him.

When he saw her, there was a pain behind his eyes. When the pain went away, he remembered the girl.

"Hazel," He said. The girl smiled.

" Hey Jason," she said. "Welcome back." Hazel gave Jason a huge bear hug. The guy beside her- the one with the baby face- looked uncomfortable with Hazel hugging him. When Hazel let go, she introduced Baby Face as Frank, son of Mars.

Jason told them to wait there until he found his friends.

He looked everywhere for Piper and Leo, but no sign of them.

He finally found Leo, he was telling someone about the Argo II.

"Come on Leo, I need to find Piper," Jason said as he pulled Leo away from the girl.

"Chill dude, she's just talking to Annabeth, trying to get her to come off the boat. Now, where are you pulling me to?" Leo asked.

"Some friends."

"Well, I can walk dude, you don't have to pull." Leo said.

"Sorry," Jason said as he let go.

When they got to Hazel and Frank, Hazel looked like she wanted to cry and scream out loud at the same time.

"Hey guys," Jason said. "This is Leo, my best friend. He's a son of Hespheastus, or Vulcan."

" 'Sup" Leo said.

Frank looked horrified. " The god of fire?" He asked.

"That's my dad," Leo said.

Frank actually took a step back. Jason looked at Hazel, his expression said: "What the heck?"

"Frank's a little scared of fire," Hazel explained.

Leo shrugged. "I used to be," he said.

"Do you want a tour of the camp?" Hazel asked.

"Sure,"Jason said. "I want to see my old camp."


Piper was having an off-day. And that was before Annabeth had a meltdown.

She had seen Annabeth and Jason hug. She tried not to think of it much, just a friendly thing to do. But she couldn't shake it off.

Another thing was the dream.

Why did she always get the dreams? First her dad, now Nico di Angelo

Piper shuddered just thinking about it.

In her dream, Piper could see her friends, plus three other demi-gods she had never seen before. They were all fighting one another. Jason was fighting Leo, she saw a tiger fighting a boy with black hair and sea green eyes, and Annabeth fighting this girl with gold eyes.

Piper was frozen, she couldn't move, mainly because she was knee deep in dirt.

Behind her, she heard someone laugh. Piper turned around, and what she saw scarred her even more.

A huge giant, a bit bigger than Enceladus. In his hands, he held a cage, and in the cage, was Nico di Angelo. He was paler that usual, and looked to be unconscious.

Piper had only met Nico twice, but she knew it was him.

"Take a look around young demi-god," the giant said. "Do want this to happen?"

Piper looked around again.

Annabeth was on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding her. There was no sign of Jason and the other demi-god, Leo was sinking into the earth, but quicker than Piper, he was up to his shoulders in dirt. the tiger seemed to turn into a boy and fell down, and the girl with the golden eyes was trying to get to Nico.

"My brother once told you that demi-gods will rip each other apart," the giant said. "But he did not tell you that the seven will be the first to go."

Piper sank more into the ground, now she was waist deep.

The giant smirked. "What you see here is bound to happen, if you let the child of Athena join the quest. She carries the mark."

Piper was just abot to yell at the giant, but then the earth grabbed her and she fell into it.

Just before the dirt closed around her head, Piper woke up.

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