A Little Pink Toad

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright Freddie? Georgie?" I ask, and they nod.

"We need to tell you something Xandria. In private." They drag me over to the boys common room, where they tap a statue on the nose and walk into a secret room.

"We were thinking of expanding Weasley's Wizards Wheezes-" Fred starts, and I immediately repeat yes excitedly.

"And we kind of got a thousand galleons off Harry."

My face is a picture of utter shock. "What!" I yell.

"Anyway, we were thinking of buying a place in Diagon Alley, then leaving school with a bang!" they finish excitedly.

"With me of course!" I grin and envelope them in a hug. "Now, I have one hour until detention, so let's get started on some fireworks! And permanent swamps, just for the road herself!"

They grin at this idea, and forty-five minutes later, I am in the common room, where I spot Harry, getting shunned by half of the kids in his dorm.

I skip over to him. "Sup evil Dark Lord in waiting!" I receive a few odd looks, but weirdly enough, a few kids nod in agreement.

"Anyway, thanks for the donation, and all, but how are Umbridge's detentions? I heard you already have one, well done by the way, but now I have to go to one! Think good old Sevvy  might save me from some future ones though."

Now I am receiving a lot of weird looks. Harry finally speaks. "You will need Essence of Murtlap afterwards-"

"Merde, sorry Master Dark Lord to-be, but I got to run now. Thanks!"

I run out of the common room, and up to Umbridge's office two minutes early. I put on my crazy look, knock and walk in.

"Good evening Professor Umbridge!" I say brightly, and she turns to smile a sick smile at me.

"Good evening Miss Weasley-" she starts, before I interrupt her.

"Alexandria please. As you said, we will be the best of friends! We can bond over this detention." I interrupt, smiling vaguely.

Umbridge gulps. "Here is a quill, and I want you to write, "I will not be cheeky, or interrupt in class." and please use my quill."

I see no way out of that, and I accept the quill. "May I have ink please, Professor Umbridge?" I ask sweetly, smiling as I did so. I could see how nervous I was making her.

"You will see it is not needed with this quill."

I gulp, realising what type of quill it was. I narrow my eyes at her.

"You are using this quill on children?" I hiss.

She smiles. "Not quite as crazy as you act, are you Miss Weasley-"

"Do you have amnesia? I said, call me Alexandria!" I say coldly.

I start writing my lines, each one making it get the words get engraved deeper into my skin. I don't wince, or cry in pain. I am not giving her any satisfaction.

Instead, I hum a happy tune, coming up with pranks that she might enjoy. Finally, an hour is up, and I am let leave. I go straight to Dumbledores office.

I stay at the gargoyles, who finally let me in, as they 'see my persistence'.

I walk up a lot of stairs, knock on a big door and wait. I hear a "Come in!" and I storm in, and everyone flinched at the anger on my face.

Even the sorting hat flinches, and I wave over at him.

"That little toad has been using an illegal blood quill on students!" I hiss, and everyone takes a step back, bar McGonagall, who looks unsurprised.

"Do you have any proof?" McGonagall asks me. I simply hold up my hand, an the words are engraved there.

Now it is McGonagall's to look angry. She turns to Dumbledore.

"You have to sack her! This is... This is abuse!" she shrieks.

Dumbledore looks slightly scared, whilst Mister Hat mutters "How Brat and Minnie are the same person, except Minnie isn't as annoying."

"Minerva, the Ministry won't let me-" Dumbledore starts, and Minerva raises an eyebrow coldly.

"-they think I am making an army." Dumbledore finishes. I burst out laughing, and am roaring and rolling around on the floor before I say anything.

"I know you are extreme Mugwump and whatever, but seriously, you are the biggest pacifist ever! You teach a school of TEENAGERS! I know teens are pretty scary from time to time but seriously, the British Ministry is a load of merde!"

I shake my head and leave the office. "Goodnight professors!" I yell, and make my grand exit.

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