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1. What was the first BVB song u heard and what was ur reaction

Kaya: My first BVB song was Fallen Angel.I thought it was pretty fucking badass and I loved the message of it

2. Who of BVB do you like/inspires you?

Kaya: I'm a Purdy girl but, Andy is really smart and he's such an intelligent person.He's hilarious but, deep at the same time

3. What was one of their song quotes you live on?

Kaya: Take pride in who you are. We know our wings are flawed....

That quote is a whole bunch of yes. We all have imperfections but, we have to learn how to be proud of it

4. What quote from the band member(s) do u live by?

Kaya: I live by Ashley's quote: Do you know what normal is? A setting on a washing machine and no one wants to be that.' That quote really spoke to me because I'm far from normal. But, I realize, normal is boring!

5. In 5 simple words describe your experience at a BVB/MIW concert.

Kaya: haven't been to one

6. Favorite album?

Kaya: Wretched and Divine: The story of the Wild Ones

7. Favorite song?

Kaya: The legacy

8. What do you think about the other fans?

Kaya:The other fans are amazing! I don't know any in person. But, the ones I know over the internet are really talented and friendly

9. Why do you love them?

Kaya: I love BVB because, they're doing something good. They're helping the misfits telling them that's it's okay. They're music actually has a deep meaning to it.

10. Why are you a proud Fallen Angel/Bridesmaid/Rebel?

Kaya:I'm a proud fallen Angel because I'm proud of BVB they are worth fighting for. I fight for them like they fight for us.

Thanks so much Kaya!!

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