Depuis le début

Bandit stepped away from the doorway as her parents stepped out into the hall. Her father smiled down at her, squatting down to her level.

"Were you eavesdropping?"
"No," Bandit lied, hoping her parents wouldn't catch her, "I came by to ask if you were going to tuck me into bed."
"Of course, kiddo. Mama and I were just having a grown-up conversation."
"Oh, okay. Carry me?"

Her father picked her up, cuddling her in his arms. She snuggled up against him. Her mother leant over, kissing her on the forehead. The three made their way to Bandit's room. Papa tucked her in, Mama made sure all of her stuffed animals were tucked in with her, and the two sang her to sleep, just like every night.

"Goodnight, Bandit Lee," her mother chimed, leaning down to kiss her daughter on the forehead.
"Goodnight, Lady B," her father mused, giving her a peck on the cheek.

Bandit beamed as her parents smiled at her, turning off her light and wishing her goodnight.


"Bandit, wake up, hurry." 

She was awoken from her slumber with the urgent shaking of her father. He sat on her bed, a fearful look and aura resonated off of him. She had never seen her father scared like that before. He was always the brave one in her eyes. Why was he scared?

"Papa, what's going on?"
"I don't have time to explain. Bad people are coming, Bandit. You have to go."
"Go where?"
"You'll see. Come on."

He hoisted up Bandit, gathering her and her blankets into one big pile. She wrapped her small arms around his neck, hiding her face.

"Papa, I'm scared."
"Don't worry, Beezle Butt. Mama and I got this."

Bandit nodded, as she felt the bump-bump-bump of her father sprinting down the stairs. He pushed open the door to her mother's studio, setting her down. She pulled the blankets over her shoulders like a cloak, as she watched her father move her mother's work desk.

"Mama doesn't like you moving stuff."
"Mama told me to."

Behind the large oak desk was a small door in the wall, looked with what looked like to be a sort of electronic lock. He punched a four-digit code in, watching the door swing open.

"Get in."
"Wha?" she inquired, looking up at him.
"Get in. You don't have much time."
"But Papa-"
"Mama and I have to stay up here and make sure the bad guys don't get in."
"Come with me."
"Bandit, I can't," he sighed. He reached over and picked her up, to the young girl's dismay.
"Papa, please!"
"We can't!" he snapped. Bandit shuddered, in a sort of shock at her father's tone. He looked at her, realising his act. His gaze softened, "Sorry, kiddo. I'm just...Get in, alright?"
"Papa, I don't want to go alone!"

Bandit squirmed around, trying to escape her father's grasp, as she neared the door. She let out a loud and feverish wail, pushing against it.

"I don't want to go!"
"You have to, Bandit!"
"I don't want to!"

A loud "boom" echoes from upstairs.

"Bandit, now!"

Before she could even protest, he pushed her forward into the door, urging her to go down the metal chute. Bandit slipped from his grasp, starting her descent.


A cry slipped out from her mouth as the door shut behind her. With a 'plop', she landed on a bunch of pillows and cushions in a small room. There was a table with a small TV with post-it-note saying 'PLAY ME' stuck on it, a crate, and a cot.

"Hello?" she squeaked out, looking around the room. Her voice echoed around the room. She stood shakily, tears starting to form in her eyes. She was alone. She was truly alone. No Mama, no Papa. Not even Mitch or Jupiter. She tentatively made her way over to the TV instead, seeing what the note was about. She pressed the play button the side of the TV and watched as the screen lit up.

It was her parent's faces, fiddling with a camera. It had obviously been taking years ago, considering her father still had his bright firetruck red hair. Her mother was adjusting the camera, while her father scooted his chair.

"Gerard, focus."
"I can't get it right."
"Just sit for a minute, alright? Bandit's asleep, we need to get this done while she is."

Bandit watched the screen with a curious look, as her mother looked up to the camera and began to speak.

"Hey, Bandit, it's Mommy. If you're watching this-"
"Shit went bad."
"Gerard! Language!"
"Well, I assuming if she's watching this, she's old enough to hear it."

Bandit let out a small giggle in reply to the footage, smiling through the tears. She rubbed her eyes as the video continued.

"If you're watching this, things have hit rock bottom."
"They went to shit."
"Yeah, yeah, as your dad said, they went to shit."
"Best way to explain it."
"Hush and lemme finish. Bandit, your dad and I are-"
"Used to be."
"Hush. We work for the government. Uncover. Secret agents."
"Yes, spies. And if you're seeing this, something has happened because of it and you're in the safety bunker. We couldn't tell you because it would put us all at risk. But since something has occured, now you know."
"What do you think would happen?"
"I'm hoping nothing. This is just a precautionary measure."
"Oh, okay. We love you, Beezle Butt."
"Daddy and I love you, Bandit. Be safe. Be good. Don't leave the bunker unless you know it's safe."

With that, the video concluded. Bandit sat quietly staring at the screen. Mama and Papa were spies? Like, spies in the movie? There was no possible way. No way in-

A loud and repetive 'bang' noise followed by screams erupted from above her. Gunshots. Bandit covered her ears, sobs wracking her small frame. Mama and Papa were up there. They were up there fighting and what if that was them screaming? What if they were hurt? Papa wasn't good at fighting and Mama needed someone to back her up. What if something happened?

Bandit impulsively started humming that old song Papa would sing to Mama when she was sad. Didn't Mama say that her mommy would sing it to her when she was little? She would sing Mama that old song and Papa would sing it to Mama and sometimes he'd sing it to her. Bandit liked that song. She liked it a lot.

That's where Bandit sat, wrapped up in her blankets, hands over her ears, humming 'Superstar', as hell broke loose in the house above her.

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