"I'll see you."


"Hey girls, what's up?" I ask Claire and Beverly when I reach them. I sit down next to them at one of the tables.

"Gossip." Beverly answers and I raise my eyebrows.

"Ohhhh, something interesting?" I ask and Claire shrugs.

"Maybe. We heard that Jonathan got the role for that Seaquest series, you know if it's true?" She says and I smile.

"Yeah, he just told me. I'm so happy for him. He's been talking about it a lot." I say.

"Y-you do know that he'll be gone the whole semester next year, right?" Beverly says. I nod slowly while answering.

"Yeah he told me." I say and Claire gives me a look full of pity and compassion.

"You okey with it?" She asks and I nod while smiling.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? It's not like we're together." I say.

"No, but you have a... Different relationship. I mean, everybody sees that there's something going on between the two of you so... Are you really okey?" Beverly says and I shrug.

"I'll miss him, but I've made it through a lot of years without him, it's not like I'm desperate or something." I say and chuckle. Claire smiles and so does Beverly.

"I guess you're right. And besides, we'll be here too so you won't be alone." Claire says and I nod while raising my eyebrows.



Last period of today. Then home to Jonathan's, then probably back home to pack my stuff then go to Claire's since we're having that sleepover tonight. I'm really tired and I don't feel like doing anything right now, but our teacher is really strict so no time for rest.
I write down everything she says and everything she writes on the board. Geez, she talks really fast. I try keep it up but give up after two pages and put the pencil down. I sigh and cross my arms over my chest. I guess I'll just have to remember everything she'll say for the next 30 minutes. I look to my side to catch Jonathan looking at me. When he sees I'm looking, he smiles and I feel my heartbeats raise as I smile back.

The 30 minutes pass by fast and right now I try to get out of the classroom, just like everyone else which leads to chaos. Jonathan luckily saves me by pulling me out from the herd of people.

"Thank you." I say and he smiles at me.

"You're still following me home, right?" He says with a questioning frown.

"Of course! What, you thought I tried to escape you?" I ask ironically and Jonathan chuckles.

"You never know." He says and we reach our lockers.


"Can I say something...awkward?" I ask as we walk on the sidewalk on your way to Jonathan's house.

"I love awkward." Jonathan says and I smile a bit before opening my mouth again.

"When I first saw you, I thought your eyes were brown." I say and Jonathan quickly turns his head at me.

"What?" He chuckles and I shrug. "Really? You thought my eyes were brown?"

"Yeah, I know, they're as blue as they can get but I somehow thought they were brown." I say and Jonathan keeps a laugh from slipping out.

"Stop." I say and push him in the side. He chuckles and looks at me.

"When I first saw you I thought you were a boy." He says and I look at him with big eyes and a frown.

"Are you kidding me? You thought I was a boy? That's worse then eye colors." I say and Jonathan laughs.

"Actually, I didn't think you were a boy. But when our teacher counted the names and she said your name I was surprised that you answered, because I thought Quinn was a boy's name." He says and I laugh.

"You're so weird." I say. Jonathan just smiles at me.

"And that's why you like me?"

That question makes my heart stop and I look up at Jonathan. He has a serious expression on his face and I get a intense feeling of kissing him right now.

"No. I like you because you're you, and no one else." I say and it sounds cliché af, but I don't know how else to explain. Jonathan looks at me for what seems like seconds before smiling.

"Well, I like you too. Just the way you are."


When we reach Jonathan's house is his mother already home.

"Mom?" Jonathan says when we enter the house.

"Oh hi kids!" She says and we take our out wear of. She always welcome us by saying kids.

"You're home already?" He says and she nods while smiling.

"What, you sound surprised? You know I'm always home early at Thursday." She says.

"Right.... Uhm, well we have something to tell you." Jonathan says and smiles at me.

"Omg. You're not pregnant, are you?" Mary asks me and I look at her with big eyes. We're not even together, and I'm confused.

"What?" Both Jonathan and I say at the same time.

"No no, mom, Jesus that's not... We're not really...Whatever." Jonathan says while doing gestures with his hands in the air.

"Then what is it?" She asks, looking at me then Jonathan.

"I got the role. It starts after Christmas break." He says and Mary looks at the both of us with joy in her eyes. She hugs both of us at the same time and we laugh.

"Oh, I knew it. I'm so proud of you, Jonny!" She says and we pull away from the hug. Jonathan smiles at his mom then at me. It looks like he remember something when he snaps his fingers and look at his mom with his mouth open.

"Mom, did you get them?" He asks and I have no clue what he's talking about. Mary looks at him then nods excitingly and turns around, probably to get whatever Jonathan refers to. He looks at me with a big smile on his face and I just look at him in confusion. His mother comes back and hands him, what looks like two tickets.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's tickets for a movie next weekend. It's uh, a late birthday present." Jonathan says and I think my heart just melted. "And a date, if you want?"

I don't know what to say, so I just hug him. I think that answers his question. This is the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me, and that says something.

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