"I miss home." She sets her phone down and quickly changes into her ballet outfit before packing everything up to meet Melanie in the photo shoot room. "Mummy, I'm going to be late for ballet. Miss Stacey hates when we're late." Melanie and Trinity get into the car before Mel drops her off at ballet.

"I'll see you in a bit darling. Love you."

"You too." Melanie drives away and Trinity rolls her eyes. "I hate this place."


"Niall, do you know where Melanie took Trinity after they left?" Niall shrugs from his position on his couch.

"Why?" Harry drops his phone onto Niall's lap.

"Look at this."

Tiny tot model raises from nobody to somebody.
Fresh Beat has the latest information on any upcoming stars to be on the look out for, and this one is a story.
Ten year old Piper-Jane, is a newly found model for Starr Agency and it appears that she has won the hearts of everyone in the world. From her looks to her personality to her unique accent, Piper-Jane is a name you won't soon forget.
"It's different here in Milan. I'm use to tourist cities, not model cities. Growing up was different than what I know now." The model explains when asked about her life before. "I use to be the one you'd find being the cause of trouble, now I'm nowhere near it."
Sources state that the tiny tot was abandoned as a child, but was found by one of Starr's models.
"I saw her on the street and I just couldn't leave her there. She was no more than four years old." The guardian, who doesn't want to be named, said.
"My mummy? I don't know what I'd do without her. She's all I have."
Isn't that sweet? Want more of this article, or want to know more about this model? Visit our website and search Piper-Jane.

Niall looks at Harry and shrugs. "So what? It's a model." Harry points to the phone.

"I looked up who she was because I wanted to see a picture. Look." Niall opens the other tab and nearly drops the phone.

"Why do you have a picture of Trinity up? This isn't funny Harry."

"Delete the search bar and type her name in yourself then." Niall does that and nearly throws the phone.

"She's using my daughter as a ploy? She wasn't abandoned, she was taken, from me! She even changed her appearance! She looks like me for a reason." Niall jumps from the couch and grabs his keys; Harry follows closely behind.

"Where are you going?" Without looking back, Niall replies.

"To get my daughter back."


"PJ!" Trinity turns to see Lyza, a girl she met in school, running towards her.

"My mom would like you over for dinner, is that okay?"

"I'd have to talk to my mum about it, but I don't see why not." Trinity runs to her mum's car with a smile. "Mummy, can I go to Lyza's house for dinner? Her mum invited me." Trinity waves Lyza over and Melanie smiles at the two.

"Good afternoon Lyza."

"Good afternoon Miss Porter. My mum would like PJ to have dinner with us, is that okay?"

"Of course. Have fun. Call me when you're ready to come home." Trinity sets her school bag in the back of the car before kissing Melanie's cheek.

"Thanks mum. Love you."

"You too."


"Mum, PJ is here!" Lyza walks into the sitting room and hugs her mum. Trinity enters not much longer and smiles at her friend's mum, who smiles widely.

"You must be the famous PJ Lyza keeps telling me about. You can call me Lana." Trinity smiles.

"It's nice to meet you." Lana looks at the two before she nods towards the stairs.

"Why don't you two go upstairs while I cook dinner." The two run upstairs to Lyza's room. They take a seat on Lyza's bed before Lyza turns to Trinity with a smile.

"Can I tell you something, PJ?" Trinity nods, excited to finally have a friend. "I know you."

"Well, yeah, we're friends aren't we?" Lyza laughs.

"No. I know you. You don't think I'd realize that my only best friend is the daughter of Niall Horan." Trinity's eyes widen.

"How'd you-"

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." Trinity hugs Lyza tightly.

"Thank you."

"So, should I call you Trinity?" Trinity laughs.

"I miss being called that. It almost sounds foreign to me." Lyra shakes her head before getting closer to Trinity.

"It doesn't have to when I'm around."


"Mr. Horan, it's been five years. Why want your daughter now?"

"Melanie is getting money from her. She's making it seem as if I abandoned Trinity. She's not in a stable home there. She needs to be home with me." The judge shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Mr. Horan but Miss Porter won. The only way you get your daughter back is if you find evidence of Trinity being in a bad home, or waiting until she's eighteen." Niall sighs with a nod and leaves the court house. He gets into his car and goes to leave when his phone rings. Without looking, he picks up the phone.

"Hello?" The other line is silent, except for a small whispering voice.

"Go on, talk."

"Hello?" He hears a sigh before the phone gets moved around. "Hello?"

"Is this Niall Horan?"

"Who's this?"

"My name is Lana Gracings."

"Hello, is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes actually. I can help you get your daughter back."


Sorry this may be short. I know I can do better, but I've been occupied by 3 seasons of Once Upon a Time on Netflix. Absolutely addicted. I finished all three seasons (63 episodes) in five days time. Might I add that Rumple and Bele are goals if you watch it.

Anyway, Chapter 11's comments blew up and I've never seen people hate a single person so much in my life. Except the Potterheads with Umbridge. Anyway, thank you guys. I read every comment and they all put a smile on my face. Plus, Daddy Niall has been translated into French by @horansuck. I hope you guys like the time skip too. It would feel dragged out if I didn't skip time. I'm trying my best to update all of my stories, but no promises. Bare with me please. I love you all and keep commenting, I love seeing your guys' reactions. Long AN, sorry!


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