Chapter 2

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I walked briskly towards the library. I took a deep breath and pushed the heavy oak door open. The smell of mildew and old books hit my nose. I walked over to the small desk and sat down.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Crumppler. How are you?" I asked with a borde voice.

"very good Charlotte May. Today's lesson will be on the culture of the Myan's."

I gasped. This had been somthing I had wanted to learn for a long time. The leseson was fairly interseting and I did learn very much about the Myan culture but I ould not stop thinking Charles.


After my lesson I went to have lunch with my Father. I walked out of the library and towards our large dinning room.

"Good afternoon Father." I said and courtseyed. I walked over and sat down next to him. I looked at him and his eyes were ablazed.

"Charlotte May. I was told by Beula, that she saw you touch Charles. He is a black boy Charlotte. Black men can not be trusted around white women and girls. He could have raped you!" he yelled.

I bowed my head down. The tears were pouring off my face. I did not think that it was a situation but I guess that it was. My father is very protective of me. He only wants the best I know but I know that he can not protect me forever.

"I am sorry Daddy."

"Go to your room NOW!" he yelled.

I ran up stairs as fast as I could and collapsed on the bed sobbing. I must have fallen asleep because I was startled to hear Maima coming in my room and setting down a bowl of Gumbo and a piece of Cornbrea. 

She sat down on my bed ans stroked my hair. "It is okay honey. Your daddy just wants the best for you and for you to be safe. Eat up. Jeezabelle made your favorite for lunch but you ran away before you could eat it."

I did not realize how hungrey I was. I took the bowl of Gumbo to my nose and breathed it in. I could smell the shrimp, hot sauce, and rice and sasuage. It smelled wonderful. The cornbread also was warm and dripping with butter. I ate so fast that I thought I might be sick. I then kissed Maima on the head and layed down on my bed and fell back alseep. That night I dreamed of myself in a white wedding gown made of lace and Charles at the end of the isle. I knew of course that this would never happen. But, who knew... it was possible. Maybe...


Okay. Wow I am on my 2nd chapter of Charlotte May and it feels good. Please read and comment on my story. No negitive comments or haters please.! Thanks!

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