Chapter 1: The 'Dream'

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"Woah, weirdest and the most real dream I have ever had." Shepard stated.

Shepard got out of bed, and walked out his door, and headed for the elevator. He hit the '2' button on the elevator wall, or the button to the CIC or the Combat Information Center. Once the elevator came to a full stop, the door's flew open, and Shepard stepped out. He walked up to the cockpit, but instead of seeing Joker working alone, he saw him with Tali, talking about something.

"Listen Joker, besides Samara and Garrus, your the only one I've told, that counts for you too EDI. Please don't tell Shepard, I'll find a way to tell him on my own okay?" Tali stated nerviously.

"Okay Tali, but hey listen, I wouldn't wait to long." Joker warned Tali.

"Why?" Tali questioned.

"Because the he might get curious about what you have been hiding, or why we keep talking in private. Trust me, the last thing I want him to think is that we're 'close' okay?" Joker teased.

"Okay, I'll tell him. Not now but... soon. Thanks for understanding Joker." Tali thanked him.

"No problem Tali." Joker responded.

Shepard ran to the elevator, luckily there wasn't any people on that deck besides the three of them, because it was still early. He ran to the elevator making it look like he had just came out of it. He came casually walking up to Tali.

"Tali? What are you finally doing of the Engineering floor?" Shepard teased her.

"Oh nothing, just exploring." Tali lied obviously.

"Tali? What's wrong?" Shepard asked nicely.

Shepard put his hand on Tali's shoulder, and tilted his head. He could tell under the helmet she was blushing.

"I... well... I have something to tell you." Tali said nerviously.

"Yeah?" Shepard asked.

"This way." Tali motioned him to follow her.

She lead him a few yards away, so that Joker couldn't hear.

"So? You needed to tell me something?" Questioned Shepard.

"Yeah, I do." Tali spoke nerviously, fiddling with her hands.

"Don't be ashamed Tali, I'm here for you, you can tell me anything, I won't judge you." Shepard stated kindly.

"Well, ever since the start. I used to think you were weird, and annoying sometimes. But I was a stupid little girl on my Pilgrimage. But now, I can't go one day without thinking of you, and not just in any way. More than a friend, more than anything. I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, and if your gonna yell or do anything to me, you can do it now." Tali blurted out nerviously.

Tali gasped when Shepard stroked her cheek, he had her in a close embrace. He had his hand around her waist, and his other stroking her upper back. She sat there confused, yet happy. He leaned in close and whispered close to her face.

"Don't be... I feel the same way about you." Shepard confidently said.

Shepard smiled, then walked away over to Joker in the cockpit, Tali pleasantly surprised and confused. She smiled and walked to the elevator, and headed back to the Engineering deck.

"So... Shepard, did she tell you?" Joker asked.

"Depends on what she had to tell me." Shepard responded teasingly.

"Well before I blurt out her secret, what 'did' she tell you?" Joker teased back.

"Her 'feelings' supposively." Shepard responded.

"Well then I have nothing to tell you." Joker responded to Shepard.

"That's what she had to tell me? How long has she been keeping it in?" Shepard looked back at where Tali was standing.

"I don't know exactly, but I know for a long time, more than two years at least." Joker responded with a chuckle.

"And she decided to tell me now? Strange." Shepard question then stated.

"I know, but she is unpredictable isn't she?" Joker questioned.

"You got that right, Joker." Shepard responded.

"Oh by the way, the Illusive Man would like to speak with you, you probably shouldn't keep him waiting." Joker suggested.

"Yeah okay, thanks Joker." Shepard responded to Joker's suggestion.

Shepard headed to the briefing/communication room to talk with the Illusive Man. But all he could think about was Tali, this was normal. He had been having 'certain' dreams of Tali lately. All of them consisted with her being unmasked, he kept thinking of what she looks like under her helmet, but could never come up with a resonible prediction for what she looks like. At the most part he thought that he was obbsessed with her physically. I mean who didn't have a dream of someone at some time? At least once, but these were constant, almost every night. And he didn't want to tell anyone, for the fear of them being disgusted by him. Because she was 7 years younger than him! I mean he didn't want to start having the 'dreams' of her, but they happened anyway. Like they were visions of the future. 'But that's impossible.' Shepard thought to himself. 'She's a Quarian. She can't take off her suit, she would die. Or would she?' He thought again. Surely it wasn't uncommon for a Quarian to have a relationship with another species, he shook his head. 'I'm fantasizing again, stop it brain.' Shepard thought to himself yet again. He walked into the briefing/communication room to see what the Illusive Man had for him.

~Stay Tuned For Chapter 2: That Night (LEMON)~

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