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I get ready to run,

My heart thumping like a boombox playing black veil brides,

I put my gun around my neck,

My guts filling up with worry,

Worry if I was going to survive or not,

"Run!" Shouted super Sam,

My legs went in front of one another,

Making me run,

Bangs, screams and shrieks coming from every direction,

I look around, nervous,

Shaking with fear,

I held my gun and aimed at a German,

BANG, my gun went,

Followed by a blood curdling scream,

I started to retreat,

Fear starting to get the best of me,

Shaking with fear,

I run down into the trenches,

Ducking my head as I was too tall,

Rushing to my things,

I picked up a grenade,

Putting on my gas mark,

I put my arm in a shooting position,

And throw the grenade,

'Gas, gas quick boys!' I heard someone say,

I could hear coughing,

So bad as if they were drowning,

I decided to take a quick peek,

What? I couldn't help it,

The enemies eyes swelling up,

As if they were having an allergic reaction,

I was unlucky though,

Just by taking a quick peek at no-mans land,

The guns were set off,

A bullet went in one side of my head,

Straight out the other side,

It went straight through my brain,

Exposing it to light,

An excruciating pain went through my whole body,

Starting from my head,

Right the way down to my feet,

I fell, just like that,

A pool of blood surrounding me,

'Guys come quick!' I heard someone shout,

'The German army have taken another life'

That was the last thing I ever heard,

This was the end of my life, end of everything,

But at least I died doing my bit for my country.

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