Chapter 2

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Dan's P.O.V

It wasn't the same until we had the kids. So the kids are 2 now, so that means we were in a car crash 3 years ago. So no one got properly injured, apart from little cuts and bruises, but it was the most terrible thing in my life. I was so scared, and Phil was too. You could tell that because he was clutching my hand tightly. We were stuck in the car for 15 minutes, longest 15 minutes of my life. Crying slightly, I rested my head on Phil's chest, and he rested his head on my head.

Half an hour later, we were in the hospital, waiting to see if we had fractured or broken anything before we got some news. A couple of weeks ago, we looked into having children using a surrogate because we wanted children and were told me and Phil has a 'natural touch'. So we found one called Sara and she said she would be willing to have a child for us. Of course we were ecstatic but it turned out that the driver of the cab was a victim of drunk driving and had died. I'd never seen Phil this quiet in my entire life. I went to go get my things from the chair opposite the hospital bed and I heard sobbing. And I thought "is that someone from another room?" But I turned around to see Phil sobbing his little eyes out and it made me feel so much pain.
"Phil, why are you crying?"
"I feel like it's all my fault Dan, why am I alive?"
"You're alive because you're amazingphil. And it wasn't your fault. We didn't know that he was a drunk driver."
Phil cried as I held him in my arms and never let go. It was the most devastating moment of my life.

*Two months later*

So it's been two months since the car crash and Phil has still been upset. Of course, he smiles for the camera because he doesn't want to upset his subscribers but he feels like he can't tell them what happened. I would usually just see him on his bed facing the wall, or hear murmuring when he's asleep.He's not the happy soul that he usually is.

*7 months after that*

Phil's P.O.V

I keep having nightmares about the car crash. Was it me? Did I do this to myself and Dan? Did I mean to hurt anyone? I know it's been 9 months but I'm not happy with myself. I haven't even had something to sidetrack me from it. Then a text lit up from my phone. "Sara is in labour!" I grab my phone and some shoes. I also tell Dan who seems to have woken up abruptly and rushed as fast as I did. So we grabbed a cab and hurried over to the hospital. I was ready.

Family loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora