Contest 1 ||closed||

225 11 51

Title : Have You Locked The Door?

Username : Yours and CatQuill25732

Subtitle : Anything related to the topic and genre

Genre : Horror/Mystery

Requirements : Lily Collins or any scared teenager (I made your work easy. Because you would not get Lily Collins' scared picture easily.)

-Remove the background of Lily Collins' picture and add it on a creepy background. (NO Creepypasta!) Either use Lily or any other scared girl.

P.S. This cover is for my story, so do not put any other username apart from Mine (CatQuill25732) and yours.

Tag 2 people. I'm tagging people whom I think will participate!


Please try to give your covers as soon as possible. Put your cover in any one chapter of your story and either send the link or tag me in the comment section.

Buena Suerte! (Good Luck!)

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