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I started making this story during the sembreak but I can’t seem to finish it. I only finished it at this very moment. I guess the reason why I only finished it today is for this to become a gift to my dear friend :)

Fortunately, my facebook account is connected to my phone calendar and I noticed that tomorrow is her birthday. So after discovering that, I immediately work on this and eventually finished it.

It’s for you Chie ;) Happy 19th Birthday! Hope you love it!

Title : L-O-V-E

"Okay class. Time is up.  Please pass your answer sheets and keep the questionnaires.", Ms. Cortez said.

Ugh! I have 2 more questions to answer.

"You can use it as a reviewer for the midterm examination. Ten or more questions will come from there."

Oh, midterm exams! I'm sure that will be three times harder than this quiz. Oh, well, it's okay. Even if I am a business major student, I like psychology. I'm really interested in studying other people. Although the subject doesn't include "psychologically analyzing people", still, I like the subject and I like Ms. Cortez. I really like her because she's so smart and I can see that she really loves her job. But, at times like this, she's so annoying. Even after the brain cells-damaging quiz, she will still use the remaining time to discuss the next topic.

"Class, settle down. This is a three-hour class, so we will use the remaining, ah let's see, we have 65 minutes to discuss the next topic."

See! She is soooooooo a teacher! Haha

"But Ma'am, my brain is not working anymore. It needs a break.", Gio whined. He's the "class's athlete". Yeah. Athlete. He's only good at sports. 

"Don't worry class, it's a very interesting and very relatable topic. So, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one."

I hope so. Even if I like the subject, Gio’s right. My brain cells need to rest.

"Our topic is about L-O-V-E ", said Miss Cortez.


Those are my classmates, screaming or shall I say, squeaking. Believe me, that's a scream. Hahaha The topic is definitely interesting.

Speaking of l-o-v-e, I'm going to tell you a secret. I'm secretly and hopelessly in love with the "class's prince charming". He is Christopher Gonzaga. He is so handsome, as in boy-next-door-slash-next-leading-man handsome. He's six feet tall. He's smart and he's a consistent Dean’s Lister. And he's a football player and a member of the varsity team.

He's every girl's dream boy. AND THAT IS EXACTLY MY PROBLEM! He's a nine-point-five while I'm barely a six, a six-point-five if I spent time doing my face.

Unlike most of the girls, I can't tell him that I like him because I'm afraid of rejection. It's a fact that he'll definitely reject my confession. Ugh! Love does suck!

Since I cannot directly tell him my feelings, I use my so called enthusiasm in debating so he can see that I exist. I always make it a point to choose the anti whenever he chooses pro.

"Okay class, the question is what part of your body tells you that you’re in love with someone? Is it your brain or your heart?"

Miss Cortez asked, ending my sentiments.

"Yes, Miss Courtney Reyes?"

"Of course, it's our heart. That's why whenever we see a heart, we think of love.", Courtney answered then tosses her shiny hair. She's the "class's beauty queen". She's beautiful, just beautiful. Hehe.  Oh, I'm sorry, she's a beautiful and a sexy dancer. She's the leader of the cheerleaders. She's also Christopher's ex-girlfriend. I don't know what he saw on her. Yeah, she's beautiful and talented but I don't know, for me, she should use her time for studying, not just for applying make-up.

"Is that all, Ms. Reyes?", asked Miss Cortez.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Okay, another answer? I'm not saying Courtney's answer is wrong or right, I just want to know all your thoughts.” She looked at the class then said, “What's your answer Mr. Philip Mendoza?"

"It's the brain. We all know that the brain functions as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual activity. It commands the heart to fall in love, so I guess it's responsible for that feeling."

"You have a point Mr. Mendoza."

More or less, ten of my classmates answered heart while four answered brain.

 "Is there anyone in the class who wants to answer? I need an answer with more substance. Don't be afraid to voice out your opinions. It may be simple but it should be meaningful. Here's the catch, if I'm impressed with your answer, I'll give you 20% additional on your recitation. BUT, if I'm not contented, I'll give you a special homework so your 20% can be added."

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Charmaine Claro?" Miss Cortez asked, smiling widely. She knows that I like her subject.

"It’s definitely not the heart.”, I answered.

"So, is it the brain?”, asked Miss Cortez.

"You may say that Ma’am, since it's the amygdala and amygdala is an almond-shape set of neurons located deep in the brain's medial temporal lobe. I have read in an article that the amygdala is the responsible for multiple emotional responses, like love, fear, angle and sexual desire. Shippensburg University states that in animal studies, stimulation or removal of amygdala alters the emotional response. Therefore, I can say that amygdala is the responsible whenever we felt the feeling of being in love. After all, the heart's duty is to pump blood.”

"Nice answer, Miss Claro. So tell us, have you fell in love?"


"Maaaaaaaaaaa'am. Is an answer required? It's outside the topic!"

"Yes, Miss Claro, an answer is required. It's part of the topic. The feeling of being in love is our major topic for today. If you're too shy to admit your feelings, then just tell us when can you say that you have fallen in love?"

"Okay Ma'am. Hmm. For me, I guess, you do not easily fall in love. You may find someone attractive or talented or intelligent. You may know that he or she is kind and has a great personality. You get attracted to him or her.  Then you'll get to know him or her more, then it's either he or she becomes your friend or your love one. For me, you fall in love because of the combination of all of those things", I explained.

"So you're saying Miss Claro that for you to fall in love, you must first know him personally?", Ms. Cortez asked.

"Yes Ma'am. I don't really believe in love at first sight or whatever you call those instances when a person falls in love with another person before he even know him or her. For me, you should first be friends, or something for you to really fall in love.", I explained.

"Oh, okay. Thank you Miss Claro. That's very interesting."

Then Christpoher raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Gonzaga?", asked Ms. Cortez.

" I agree with what Miss Claro said. Well, except for one thing.",  said Christopher.

"And what's that, Christopher?", I curiously asked,

"I beg to disagree with your last argument. I really believe in love at first sight. After all, I fell in love with you, the first time I saw you", he confessed.



Happy Birthday BEST! J Since wala akong pera, eto na lang regalo ko HAHAHAHA

 Dapat bukas ko pa ito ipopost eh kasi nakita kong online ka, na-excite ako J

 Hindi man tayo masyadong nakakapag-bonding sa personal, atleast sa social media, close tayo HAHAHHA :)

 Love you Chie :*

  Advance Happy Birthday!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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