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We Learned the Sea by luckei1
 Books » Harry Potter Rated: T, English, Drama & Romance, Draco M., Hermione G., Words: 201k+, Favs: 5k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Sep 7, 2006 Updated: Sep 7, 2007
 4,154 Chapter 2: The Unbreakable Vow
Disclamier: I don't own Harry Potter, I just like to play in his world.

Note: The title for chapter one is from Alias, Season two, Episode one.

Chapter 2 – The Unbreakable Vow

The witch blinked, 23 times – Draco counted – before acknowledging what he said. She stuttered, and was unable to hide her surprise. She fiddled with some paperwork on her desk, then turned to her associate and said she would return shortly.

"Right this way, please," she said, stepping from behind the desk and motioning him to follow her, though Draco knew it was the last thing she wanted. When they reached the elevators, the woman turned around nervously. "Uhm, I'm sorry, but, policy you know; I'm afraid I must ask for your wand."

Draco smirked again and pulled his smooth ebony wand from his robe pocket. He looked at the wand, then the woman, before handing it to her. Her hand shook as she gingerly reached out to take it, then stuffed it into one of the inside pockets of her robe. She turned around and pressed the button to call the lift. When it arrived, they stepped on, and the witch pressed the button for Level two.

They rode in silence; the sense of fear emanating from the woman increased noticeably at being in an enclosed space with Draco. He studied her; she was short (petite) and had straight brown hair that had been pulled into a tight bun on the back of her head. Other than that, she was unremarkable. When the doors finally opened on their destination floor, she practically ran out of the lift. She caught her breath and then started walking down the hallway.

Draco had never been to the Ministry before, and kept himself busy by looking at everything he passed. They soon arrived at a door that said, "Auror Headquarters". The witch opened the door and walked in, leading Draco. She made a straight path for an office located on the wall opposite the door. It was fortunate that most of the Aurors were at lunch; no one really noticed Draco.

Finally they stopped outside a plain, brown, wooden door. The woman raised a hand, hesitated, then knocked.

"Yes?" came a tired voice.

"M-Mr. Potter. You have a walk-in, sir."

There was no sound for a moment. Then a heavy sigh, followed by, "Did you get a name?"

"N-No, but you'll know him."

"All right. Please send him in." The woman motioned for Draco to enter the office. He opened the door and took one step inside.

Harry dropped his drink when Draco's profile appeared in the doorway. "Malfoy!" he said.

"Hello, Harry," said Draco brightly, watching with amusement as coffee slowly covered the papers on Harry's desk.

"Uhm, thank you, Donna," said Harry to the frightened witch. She left, no further encouragement needed. "Sit," he said to Malfoy, taking out his wand and repairing the mess on his desk.

Draco sat. Every movement he made told Harry that he was superior, smarter, and that he had the upper hand.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" asked Harry warily.

Draco smirked. "Didn't you hear the nice lady? I'm a walk-in."

"Yes, I heard," snapped Harry. He knew what a walk-in was, and that's why he had dropped his coffee. Draco Malfoy was here to turn himself in. He would ask for something in return, of course, as was the arrangement the Ministry kept with all its walk-ins. Then he, Harry, would have to weigh Draco's offer with against Draco himself to determine if the exchange was acceptable.

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