Just friends

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Toni POV: me and Kenny have become really good friends he's like my big brother and I'm his little sister. Everybody think we should date but we both said that's not happening. Danielle hates it they were so close though, she just going to have to deal with it. Me and Amber walked in the gym. Kenny and his boys were there with Danielle flirting with him as usual.

Toni and Amber walked over to them. Toni sat by Kenny.

La: why don't y'all just date

Toni: because we don't like each other

Kenny: exactly

Jake: Danielle likes you Kenny date her

Kenny: I'm not ready to be in a relationship right now 

Danielle POV: life's a bitch.

Kenny:  we're about to go over to my dorm you coming

Danielle: of course

Kenny: I was Talking to Toni

Toni: yeah

Jack: Amber you coming

Amber: yes

Kenny POV: we all snuck in my dorm. We got some beers out the fridge and hung out in my room. Everybody sat on bean bags on the floor. While me and Toni were laying in my bed.

La: y'all like each other

Both: no we don't

Melvin: y'all laying pretty close

Toni: y'all are annoying

La: I'm just saying, how about we order pizza

Kenny: yeah

La: who riding with me to come pick it up

Them: us

Melvin: let's go

Everybody leaves except Toni and Kenny

Kenny: I don't know why everybody think we like each other

Toni: I know

Kenny: Are you dating anybody

Toni: well its this one boy name Keri were talking but nothing official what about you.

Kenny: nobody really for me it's this girl name Nicole she like me I'm not feeling her that much though she's not my type what about Keri.

Toni: I don't know. It's difficult right now

Kenny: damn

Toni: I know right

Kenny: well Keri better treat you right

Toni smiles

Toni: I can't believe I'm skipping class with y'all

Kenny: I can't believe your skipping with us either

They both laugh

Kenny: Damn T I didn't know you had ass

Toni: *laughs* yes I do

Kenny: let me touch it

Toni: *laughs* Ken stop being childish move

Kenny started tickling Toni she laughed.

Toni: Ken Ken 😂😭

They laughed together

Toni: Ken I love your hair it's so curly

Kenny: thanks, and why you still have on your clothes and jacket go get comfortable

Toni: your right, I have a shirt and shorts in my bag I'm going to go change

Toni POV: I went into the bathroom and put on a tank top with some booty shorts. Then I got back in the bed with Kenny.

Kenny: Damn Toni you are fine

Toni: This a friendly relationship nothing else

Kenny: deal, you know my birthday tomorrow what are you getting me

Toni: it's a surprise let's take a pic

Kenny pulls out his phone

Toni: funny one

Toni kisses his cheek and Kenny takes the pic. They ate pizza with the rest of their friends and spent the day in Kenny dorm.

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