6th Year at Beauxbatons

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Bonjour! Salut! Hello, hi, good morning! I am Alexandria Laurent, adopted on the 13th of April 1978. I was less than two years old, and my ever so kind biological family left me in a tiny, picturesque village in Northern France. 

Anyway, besides being abandoned, I have lived a mediocre life. All I have from my biologicals is one letter telling me I was one of three triplets. Nice to know there was no favouritism at all there. They are happy as pie back in England.

So, I was eleven, a bit of a messer,  when, low and behold, I received a letter from a boarding school called Beauxbatons. This was all well and good, until a giantess turned up on my doorstep to let me know I was a witch.

"Hello. My name is Madame Maxime, Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy. Is your name Alexandria Laurent?" I looked up in utter shock, wondering what in God's name was happening.

"Yes, my name is Alexandria." I reply timidly.

"You are a witch, Alexandria."

Through out that day, Madame Maxime proceeded to let me know the ins and outs of being a witch, before offering me a place in Beauxbatons. Of course I accepted, I had hated my life in the school I was in. I was constantly teased because of bright red hair.

The next day, Madame Maxime brought me to Beauxbatons, as she... well, she didn't like how I was treated in my own home. I may tell you another day, but it isn't something I want to remember.

I went with Madame Maxime to get my books, my wand and other equipment. When we got back, she gave me a tour of an empty castle, as it was indeed a week before school started. She showed me to the first year dormitories, where I would be staying. I set up my stuff and prepared myself for the next few years.

Even in Beauxbatons, I was bullied. Again, for my red hair. Again, for my freckles and pale skin. And again, for my intelligence. Whenever I did get called names, I would fight back. I ended up landing myself in detentions, time after time. But one day, I just decided to ignore them.
It was all too much.

I had rushed into an empty classroom crying, holding a notebook, where I had started to plan out pranks. What I didn't expect, was to see Queen Bee, Fleur Delacour, coming in after me.

"Alexandria? Comment ça va? Je déteste des garçons. Jean est trop mauvais!"

"Merci beaucoup, Fleur. Tu es trop gentille. "

I got up from my hiding place and she ran over and hugged me.

From then on, Fleur and I were partners in crime. Fleur stood up to bullies alongside me and she was my dearest friend. I spent many summers at her house. I had always regretted that I had thought Fleur as haughty and mean because of her ice blond Veela locks and blue eyes, when she is actually the kindest person I know.

After that incident, the years flew by, and Fleur and I became popular for our pranks and humour. We defended the first years and helped them plot revenge pranks. Until 6th year, which is where I am now.

It was September 13th, a few days after Fleur's seventeenth birthday. We were sitting down for breakfast, when Madame Maxime called for silence.

"This year, 20 students who are seventeen years old, may travel to Hogwarts. This is to celebrate the Tri-Wizard Tournament. One student from the three major European schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry, them being us, Hogwarts, and Durmstrang, will be competing. Twenty students are eligible. They may bring one person of choice with them to study. The following students will be going; Fleur Delacour, Jean Fordieu, Jacque Henri, Helene Pierrepont....."

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