a love starved rogue

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in the kingdom of heart, a young oliveblood sits just beyond the onyx gates. upon each post, there was a detailed metal sculpture of the symbol of the royal family. the panther. she sat, sharpening a daggar and whistling a light tune. not that she would need her weapons for anything other than hunting. this was a rather peaceful kingdom with hearty food and plenty of water. no reasons to go to war or battle. she gazed past the metal gates and saw the king of blood approaching, bringing along his knight of course. the rogue, nepeta, got to her feet and ran full speed toward the doors of the castle. "magesty magesty! the king of blood, your matesprit approaches!" she called in her feather light voice. a soft and excited mew emmited from the throne room of the castle. the queen of heart bounded from her throne. her long raven tresses trailed behind her as she heeded the rogue's warning. "remember my dear nepeta that he is also my kismesis. and my moirail. and my auspicise. you know I do not follow the quadrent system" the queens honeyed voice purred as she gave the rogue a pat. nepeta smiled at her queen and the smile drew only bigger as the grinning king and his grumpy knight drew near. how she wished to be like the queen and have a cirtain candy red blood all to herself.

A/N~~ okay so before this goes any further, this is gonna be really really really long. you have been warned. I love you.

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