who is this?

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imagine standing shoulder to shoulder with onlookers by adirt road . the woman behind you is on her tiptoes, trying to see  who is coming. in the distance , you glimpse a man  riding a donkey. as he approaches, people toss their coats onto the road. suddenly, you hear a tree  crack behind you. a man is cutting down  palm branches, and people are spreading them out ahead of the donkey.      JESUS' followers zealuosly honored him as he entered jerusalem a few days before his crucifixion. the multitude rejoiced and praised GOD for "all the mighty works they seen" (luke 19:37). JESUS' devotees surrounded him, calling out, "blessed is the LORD!" (v.38). their enthusiastic honor affected the people of jerusalem. when JESUS finally arrived, "all the city was moved, saying, who is this?'" (matt. 21:10).   today, people are still curious about JESUS. although we can't pave his way with palm branches or shout praises to him in person, we can still honor him. we can discuss his remarkable works, assist people  in need (gal. 6:2), patiently bear insults (1peter 4:14-16), and love each other deeply (v.8). then we must be ready to answer the onlookers who ask, "who is JESUS?"   -----► WE HONOR GOD'S NAME WHEN WE CALL HIM FATHER AND LIVE LIKE HIS SON.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2011 ⏰

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