bai luan tieng anh

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To be a wife, a mother in my family, I am allways interested in taking care of my health and my family's health. So I have some experience about what we should do in order to have a healthy life.

The first, food is very important to the healthy life. Food effects much on people's health. If you have suitabe and fresh food you can advoid disease as well as making your body healthier. Therefore you should have fresh food with high vitamins and good nutrition such as fruits, vegetables and fish in your daily meals. The scientific diet will keep effectively yourself healthy.

The second, a lifestyle without smoking and drinking is also necessary for health. Smoking is the cause for lung cancer and many other diseases. The effects of smoking is not only harmful to smokes but also to people around. The prolonged alcohol abuse can cause permanent damage to your health. These impacts are very difficult to recovery and very dangerous for human health. Control of drinking alcohol is the way to restrict its harmful effects on health.

The third, we should do exercise regularly. Suitable activities and regular exercises are very scientific ways to strengthen health. With participation in exercises like walking, cycling, will keep in shape. Exercise can be an important tool for managing everything from stress and depression to healing injuries and preventing disease. So encouraging all members of your family, even your grandparents and your parents take part in doing exercise for caring health.

The fourth, Preventing occupational stress is important too. The latest studies showed that adverse consequences of occupational stress lasts continuously affect psychological and mental health. It can cause hypertersion, disorders and cardiovascular diseases. So we should not work too hard and should find time to relax yourself.

In conclusion if you have healthy lifestyle, you can have a happy and long life.

Health is the most valuable asset, therefore we have to try to keep ourselves healthy. Nowaday, there are many factors that affect to our health harmfully.

An unhealthy diet is one of those factors. At present, when the living standard is improving, people can have delicious food in their meal. But some diseases such as cancer, heart attack or diabetes originated from your meal. People usually prefer eating meat than other food has more vitamin such as fruit and vegetables. Unsafe food problem and lack of nutritive can cause permanent damage to our health. Therefore it's very important to choose suitable and fresh food.

Smoking is not only harmful to smokers' health but also to people's health around. Smoking is the cause for lung cancer and many other diseases, such as: chronic rhinitis, chronic laryngitis, larynx cancer, pneumonia...Besides, people who do not smoke but must live and work with smokers, especially children still have a very high risk of inhaling passive smoke and is very easy to feel contaminated with cigarette smoke. Whether it is active smoking or passive smoking, harmful effects of smoking are numerous. It is high time to say no to Tobacco and no to smoking.

Drinking has many impacts which are very difficult to recovery and very dangerous for human health. Heart is susceptible to the effects of alcohol. The alcoholics always have high blood pressure than normal and easy to face the risk of cardiovascular disease. Chronic alcoholism is one of the causes leading the brain damage. It makes the brain cells die, affecting memory, hearing, smelling...

The latest studies showed that adverse consequences of occupational stress lasts continuously affect psychological and mental health. It can cause hypertersion, disorders and cardiovascular diseases. So we should not work too hard and should find time to relax yourself.

So solving all the problems above is really necessary in order to have a healthy life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2010 ⏰

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