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Paint splattered against the canvas in front of him as he searched for inspiration. Anything that would get his mind going. This was his usually routine. Wake up at 7:00, get dressed, after the shower of course, and paint. But this time, he didn't have any ideas of what he wanted to paint. On most days he would paint maybe an animal, usually elephants. He stroked the paint brush against the paper canvas, sighing. He could not get through the day without his daily paint. It was his therapy.

" Maybe some music...yeah, music." He turned around carefully walking around his multiple paintings, and papers scattered across the ground.

Finally reaching his destination, the radio, he flicked on the switch hoping that this would give him some sort of idea. The soft jazz escalated though the speakers as he turned his back, walking to the canvas.

About 15 minutes into listening to it, he had no inspiration what so ever. He was absolutely stumped. The canvas was now filled with shapes of no kind and splatters of different colors, along with that one line he painted earlier.

"Maybe the city could help." he thought to himself.

He put down the paint brush, and grabbed his keys heading out the door.

Walking down 48 Wall Street, he studies the slightest details while imprinting them in his memory. Many dirty pieces of gum, planted on the ground. Cracks in the buildings. Many other buildings had large, interesting advertisements. A lot of different restaurants also, with smells of their own. But the people, that was real inspiration.

So many looks. Different nationality's crossed his path, but mostly white. There were a few people that were blind, waving their walking sticks around. He saw several different people with large birthmarks on their faces. That, he would paint later. But he stopped suddenly to meet face to face with an building that could change his life.

Gladney Center for Adoption

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