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I don't know how long I sat there before, a car pulled up in front of me. Thinking the car was trying to pick me, you know as know a stripper.

"Little one what is wrong?"  A deep voice asked me.

I don't know if it was the fact I would get it off my chest or that if he went into the opening the people would inform him what had happen.

"It's like this...I began. He never interrupted me hummed when I think he didn't like something.

"And there you go." I said look at the man though the window for the first time since I spoke to him. He was super hot!  But something told me he wasn't into woman....or on my case teenage girls.

He surprised me though.

"Get in the car!" Fear shot though me. I shook my head. Was he going to rape now that he knew I couldn't run to anyone?

"I'm not going to hurt you little one." He answered my unspoken question. Or was I talking out loud.

"Your not talking out loud am just good at reading expressions."


He stepped out the car after a talk with the driver. He gently pushed me and my things into the car.

"Wait, I hadn't said...."

"James, take her to the house and let her rest."

The man, James nodded.

"I have a presentation in I won't be able to ride with you." He turned and looked at me.

"Oh" I frowned a little disappointed.

"Would you like for me to send someone else to pick you up, sir or shall I return?"

"You would be fine. When you get back I must speak with you...ok?"

"Yes, sir."

"I'll see you later." He nodded towards me. My window rose up and the car pulled off.

"Do not worry miss we will take care of you." James smiled. It gave me a nice feeling, one you would get from your grandparents. I took in my surrounds in the car...well not car anymore it was more like a limo. The driver’s side didn't have a door; in the middle was an 80" flat screen. There was also I mini cooler with snacks and wine. I tried to taste some before James saw but ...he was looking at me thought the rear mirror and saw. Safe to say I didn't get any... (Quit thinking wrong). But what really caught my eye was a picture of four men all smiling happily. It was nice since they were beautiful if not for their shirts off you would think them girls. I recognize, that man who put me in the car, in the middle. I spent a long time staring at the picture until, the door opened and James face appeared.

"We are here missing."

"Ummm...thanks, I guess."

"Anytime, miss. Now I must go pick up master."

"You’re leaving me here alone?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Sorry, but I'm leaving you in good hands."

I nodded.

Some lady dressed like a maid pulled me from the car and into the house before another word could be spoken. We walked up a long flight of stairs and passed many halls until we finally stopped.

"This is your room." She stated walking away. She turned around when she neared another turn.

"I would stay in my room if I was you." Then she continued on her way.

I slowly twisted the shiny gold knob. The door squeaked a little but other than that opened. The room was breathtaking. It was painted a lovely green that would remind you of the country. In the middle sat a giant king bed that could fit almost ten people and still have some more space!!! It was a dream room come true. I felt so lucky and yet scared. Why would a person do this for me unless they want something in return and what if it was the one thing I didn't want to put out anymore....?

The day’s events caught up with me and after jumping in the soft bed for a min I became dead to the world.

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