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"So tell us about your self" Dasia said

"Well I'm 18 years old and I'm from down south"I answered

"So you a country boy, huh?" Tiana smirked , nudging Keyunna

"I wouldn't say that, my momma Vietnamese and my dad Jamaican" I said

"Mixed even better!" Tiana smiled at Keyunna again

After a while the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch. We all walked to lunch . Keyunna didn't seem all that interested in getting to know me. She was more to herself, you could tell Tiana outgoing and loud one of the two.

I took a seat in front of her, and I couldn't help but stare.

"Why you grilling me?" Her bronx accent came out

"I ain't gone, I think you real pretty" I said which made her eyebrow raise

"Don't they all, til they get what they want and leave you to self destruct." She got up and left

I was taken back, all I said was the damn girl was pretty😕

"She real stubborn, and has a bad experience with new people, she'll come around" Tiana said

My Heart Belong's To A Thug (Tyga Love Story❤️)Where stories live. Discover now