part 2

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thomas woke up by the smell of bacon "mmm bacon " he tought his parents were rich and he got his university payed and all not like newt and he was sharing his dorm with his twin stiles.

" THOMAS GET YO ASS UP OR U WILL BE LATE AGAIN " stiles screamed and not the mention he was annoying as hell too and he got a personality like my best friend minho ( yep two sass queen in this ) " but i dont wanna.."thomas said in his morning voice " but you gotta " said stiles then thomas got up and dress for his lessons .

stiles made him a plate of bacon ( mama stiles confirmed ??? ) the boy ate his breakfeast and he realise that he was late and then he quickly got his thing and he ran in the corridors and then BAM he ran into a blond boy and the stranger lost all of his book .

" omg im so sorry " thomas apologised " i-its okay .." the blond muttered and he got all of his books with the help of thomas " well then see you later maybe " thomas said " yeah maybe.." the blond boy said and thomas ran into his first lesson hoping he would not be late

maybe last part of today ? idk - newt

the pianist ( newtmas AU ) -newtWhere stories live. Discover now