Ted x Chris(part 1)

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I do not own Ted, Chris, or Aiden they all belong to Z-Toon she owns everything about these characters. All except my OC Alex

Ted's POV

I sat and watch Alex run around the alley way with Floofy on her head. Her blue bangs reveling her oddly color green eye. Her grey jacket was on one of the trash cans. Her black and white stripped tank top and torn up skinny jeans covered in rain and mud because on the way here she fell into a puddle. Her white beanie now grey sitting next to her jacket, along with her fish net fingerless gloves. Chris was chasing after her, I'm secretly hoping he doesn't catch her because if he does it won't be pretty. The whole time Aiden was sitting in a corner judging us. After a few more minutes Alex jumped over the chain fence yelling something about getting away from us and heading home. Aiden leaves with her. I was leaning up against my tire just staring at the afternoon sky. My mind begins to wonder to Chris and my friends. I didn't even notice that I was slowly falling to sleep.

(Dream World)

I look around and see I'm in the alley way. Then Alex comes barreling towards me tears flooding from her eyes. On her back she's carrying Aiden on her back. She falls to the ground crying she pulls Aiden from her back. He was bruised and had a few cuts. Alex had so much blood on her. But she got back up and ran the way she came. I followed her telling Aiden to call his mom and have her come here ready for the worst. I continue running but stop dead in my tracks. " ch- Chris... Oh god!" I say as I walk towards the motionless body, he's breathing but he had tatters left for clothing. He had cuts and bruises every where and he was covered in blood. I fall to my knees and pick his body up holding it close to my chest. I'm crying but don't care. I run back towards the alleyway were Aiden was waiting for us... All I hear is Chris whisper good bye.

I jolt up from my nightmare with Chris shaking me."TED ARE YOU OK YOUR CRYING!"Chris was OK he wasn't bleeding or bruised on him. "I'm fine but what about you?" I ask. I look around I'm in my room... In my house. "Yes I'm fine I came in here while walking to the kitchen when I heard you crying my name."

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