Jugement day Steven

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There I was on  a cold night in November when I call my friend Zach who was up late doing his project for school.I called him to tell him about a book I had gotten about how to survive the zombie apocalypse and what you need.Zach told me that I shouldn't believe in zombies that and hung up.Then I stayed up reading my book.Then i noticed outside was a man just standing there what i saw was blood on his face.I then knew that zombies have risen.I know Zach was wrong.I realised what we had caused with the ration from nuclear leftovers.This is my story of the zombie apocalypse.

The next morning I got to school and went to class.Zach and me were talking  after class and asked me what I needed to tell me. I said it’s happening He asked me what I was talking about, then I said the apocalypse. He just laughed at me but I gave him a look so that he knew I wasn’t kidding. Andrew came  running and hit the locker because he was running towards us  and started talking and speaking fastly about zombies outside the school. I started walking to a window to see what he was talking about. Zach and Andrew followed me and we all saw them. Zach then realised  I was right about the apocalypse. When everyone else saw what was happening outside they all started freaking out some even open their lockers and hid in them. Everybody else just hid.I thought that was stupid to do because zombies can smell the living.But zach andrew and me didn't hide we wanted to get out before they got in.

Since everyone else was hiding including the supposedly toughest kids in school.We all got what things we could use as weapons from the gym room, classrooms, and the science laboratory.Zach went got a baseball bat from the gym and a few pencils from the math room, I  went and got some chemicals from the science lab and made some type of acid that only burns zombie flesh, then Andrew went and got some dumbbells from the weight room.Zach  decided to do a surprise attack on the zombies. I was going up to the roof so I could drop the acid on the zombies and make them start to burn, Andrew went through the back door and was going to sneak up on the zombies from behind and beat them with dumbbells then there was Zach, after andrew and me attacked I was going to go through the front door, right into the zombie horde. There were at least twenty zombies outside. But after awhile we got through them all and we ran to our houses to get supplies, weapons, and see if our families were still alive.

So i got to my house to find my family wasnt  there so i decied that they left.So i ran up staris to get my hunting rifle and little ammo i had for my caliber because my dad rifle was gone.Then i went to meet up with andrew.Then we headed twards zach's house.There wasnt many zombies near the nebierhood but there was a few bulidings zombies had gone into.

After a thirty minutes, Andrew and me showed up at Zach's house and we watched the news to see if they knew anything. They did not talk about the outbreak or what was going on. Zach thought they didn't want the public to freak out about the outbreak but what we saw I didn't think it could be kept a secret for long. So we were about to go kill some more zombies when we heard a zombie come we would  take it out. We heard screaming outside and we all ran out. Another friend from school was trapped by zombies so we went to help him i sniped the zombies from a far, Andrew tried to draw the zombies toward him, and zach ran in there and shot them with his shotgun. When all the zombies were dead we found Tyler sitting there in fear. We didn't blame him for being scared after what had happened. We brought Tyler inside the house and gave him a pistol and a golf club.

Tyler told us how he had to sit there and watch his dad get killed and infected by the zombies. Then Zach remembered the book I had brought the day before and asked where it was. I Said it was in my room at his house along with some ammo. We all got up and went to my house as quick as possible it took twenty minutes though the side streets because the shots lured more zombies.When we got there I went and got the book and the ammo and put them in a backpack along with some food and water. Then Tyler said that he remembered something that he heard from his dad. He said that his dad said that there was a cure for the zombies in Canada. But it was in a high security building and was suicide to break in. We decided it was still worth a shot. Then I said i got a truck from a  dealership we could use and I got his keys. Tyler got a machine gun , I got my hunting rifle, Andrew got a pistol, and Zach got his shotguns. Then we all headed off to Canada.

There was many zombies along the way and we raided whatever house or store we found. We had enough gas to get to Minnesota but then we had to stop for a couple of days to find gas and other supplies like ammo, food, and water. We eventually found a small group of survivors and they helped us once we told them what we were trying to do. I told them we had enough in the pickup truck we were using, so we headed off. We decided to stop at this farm that we passed by.

Andrew ran up to the house to find out how many zombies there were while I was on my rifle covering Andrew. There were only a few but they died pretty quick. What we found inside almost made us sick there were two dead farmers with bullets in their heads. Andrew and zach and me decided to draw more zombies in to us so we could kill a lot more. Andrew volunteered to be bait, Tyler setup bombs in the field and got on the roof with his machine gun, I got on top of the barn so I could snipe the zombies, Zach was going to set off the bombs when the it was time. Zach threw a few grenades in the air and made a lot of noise to draw them in Andrew was shooting off a random gun we found on the dead farmers in the barn. So after a few minutes we saw Andrew running away so i look through my scope and saw at least forty zombies. So Zach who was writing placentally for andrew set off the bombs. Andrew wasn’t fast enough to get away in time he didn’t make it...

It was three days after we saw Andrew die at the farm we were driving along a deserted road in idaho. I was getting tired so to stop i said that we need to fill up. I went inside with Tyler to get food and some water they had melee weapons for sale. Tyler got zach and the other survivors to check this out they had chainsaws and baseball bats with nails in them. Also there was another group of survivors in the store that we called the potato farmers . So we got food, water,  I went in the back of the gas station where i found some ammunition . We decided to stop to rest  at the gas station because the other survivors said they wouldn’t make it through the night because they said that zombies came out more at night. So we stayed there a couple of days and then we had to leave without the survivors. There was still room for the gear in the truck then we headed out after packing up the truck.

It got a lot colder once we got to Canada and the northern states. I luckily had some heavy jackets and thermals in my trunk. The reasons I had all these things was because I go into the mountains on the weekends. Zach and me didn't know where this building because it wasn't on a map we were that luckily Tyler did. So Zach got a map of Canada in town to see where we were. But then we saw  zombies come after zombie and we jumped into the closest building. We all forgot our weapons in the car and so we all thought that we were screwed but I remembered that there were radios in the truck and we had one. The other survivors were stuck at the gas station though because they couldn't go any farther. Then zach reach into his pocket..

It was a grenade! Zach rolled it over to the group of zombies and they all died. Zach and me went to get the truck we came back to get Tyler and we keep driving on. Tyler led us to the building and it wasn't what we expected at all. There was the big secret building like Tyler said but there were so many zombies. The zombies had over ran the building. We decided the only way to get to the cure was to fight through all of those zombies.

So there we were with our weapons at hand and a lost hope in our minds with a least 50 zombies at the door. I stayed outside on the building across the street. Tyler and Zach and me started to make our way up to the door when the zombies notice us we killed the zombies and got inside. It was a ugly seen inside the building, dead people everywhere. We didn’t see any zombies at first when we got inside but we knew they were there. We all slowly crept up the stairs and we could hear a big group of zombies through the door. We quickly opened the door and I sniped and Zach throw grenades and Tyler started shooting all of them and twenty minutes later eighty more zombies were dead. At least another 20 came after 10 minutes. After we fought and killed all of them we made to the cure and it was an actual cure.

It wasn’t at all what we thought though, instead of a cure that you inject into people it was a missile that went off and made everyone cured. We shot the missile and waited for the zombies to be cured. It took about a week for everyone to be cured but it actually worked. So now everything is back to normal. Most people don’t remember anything that happened. Even if we told the people who didn't remember it they wouldn't believe Zach tyler and me.But at least the three of us remember our greatest adventure ever even if andrew wasn't there anymore but that was something we did forget was that.Whoever finds this written paper please remember what we had went through to save the world from zombies Don't start this again what we caused dont make the same mistake.

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