"Do you want to come over to my house?" He asked. "We could play video games."

You weren't expecting this, but didn't hesitate to accept his request. The two of you happily headed towards his house.

Kenma lived only a few streets down from you. When you finally arrived, you stepped inside and removed your shoes. He lead you up to his room.

It was cleaner than you had expected it to be. The floor was spotless, except for a hoodie and an empty bag of chips on the ground. Kenma picked up the chip bag and tossed it in the trash. He then proceeded to get out two controllers to play video games with.

You stood awkwardly in the doorway, watching him. He looked up at you and smiled.

"You can sit down on the bed if you'd like." He said.

You moved in and sat down.

"What do you want to play?" He asked. "These are all the games I have."

"Woah." You said. "That's a lot of games."

You moved down onto the ground, next to where he was kneeling. The two of you searched through the games until you finally came across a racing game that seemed fun.

You both moved to sit on Kenma's bed, waiting for the game to load.

"I bet I'll beat you." He teased.

"No way!" You said, laughing.

You were already having a good time, and you hadn't even begun to play yet.

Once the game was done loading, you each selected your cars and proceeded to race. You and Kenma were both pretty good at the game, so the person in first place alternated between you and him.

"Not so fast!" He said. He threw a power-up at your car, causing you to spin out.

"No!" You replied, quickly launching one right back at him. It missed, leaving you a little ways behind him.

There's not enough time to catch up. You realized.

Kenma did his best impression of an evil laugh. "I'm going to win!"

You smirked. "I don't think so."

You extended your arm and covered his eyes, giving you enough time to catch up and win the race.

"Hey, you cheater!" He said, laughing.

You smiled. "I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't do anything!"

He pulled your arm away from his eyes and jokingly poked you in the stomach. "Cheater, cheater, cheater!" He chanted.

You flinched. It didn't take long for Kenma to realize that you were ticklish. He was already smiling mischievously.

"So you're ticklish?" He asked.

"Nope! I'm definitely not." You replied.

"I guess we'll just have to test that, hm?"

Your eyes widened as he tackled you with tickles. You couldn't stop laughing.

"You're so evil!" You said in-between laughs.

"I know," he teased. "You're no better."

You decided that it was time for the tables to turn, so just when he let his guard down, you pushed him off of you and rolled on top of him.

"Are you ticklish?" You asked.

"Nope." He replied.

"I don't believe you!" You said, and began to poke his stomach repeatedly.

He started laughing uncontrollably. Once the tickle war had ended, you both laid there on the bed, next to each other. You were both out of breath.

After catching your breath, you both sat up. The game was still running, and your character was still doing victory laps.

You giggled. "I still won."

"I'll win the next one!" He replied.

He did in fact, win the next three races.

You checked the time. It was getting late. Kenma peeked out his window.

"It's raining." He said.

"Really?" You asked. "I have to walk home in that?"

"You'll catch a cold if you go out there now." Kenma said, a concerned look in his eye.

"Maybe I'll wait it out." You suggested.

"Well, you should probably get to your house before dinner." Kenma replied. "You can borrow one of our umbrellas. Would you like me to walk you home?"

You decided that this would be a good idea. Kenma got out an umbrella and put on his volleyball jacket. He tossed you the hoodie that was laying on the ground.

"Put that on so you stay warm." He said. "Don't worry, it's clean."

You didn't complain and put on the hoodie. It was a little too big, but not by much. You didn't mind, and followed Kenma out the door.

The two of you walked to your house, sharing the umbrella. The rain pattering all around you, and was finally starting to lighten up when you reached your home.

Kenma gave you a kiss goodbye and started walking back to his house. You thanked him for walking you home, and then stepped inside your house.

"You're just in time for dinn--" Your brother said, suddenly stopping. A grin quickly spread across his face. "Is that Kenma's hoodie?"

You realized you were still wearing it. "I forgot to give it back."

Your brother laughed. "Dinner's on the table."

You smiled, thankful that he didn't tease you as much as Kuroo liked to.

You quickly ate your dinner and then headed to your room. You collapsed onto your bed. Kenma's hoodie gave you a sense of security and warmth.

It smells like him, too. You decided. Is that creepy? That's probably creepy.

It wasn't long until you were getting ready for bed. After changing out of your uniform, you pulled Kenma's hoodie back over your head.

I'll give it back to him tomorrow. You thought, drifting off into sleep.

Cat Got Your Tongue? (Kenma X Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now