Chapter 1

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I'm sitting here holding my baby Jacob hand. Why couldn't I just tell him to wait. I could have at least pulled to a alley and not be in the middle of the road. I run my finger over his weeding ring. He was my life my everything if he die I don't know what I would do. I look at the bandages over his head the scars on his face. I look down crying harder then before. "Mr. August."

I run around and look at the doctor. He motion me to come talk to him I walk out there and I look at him.

"What's wrong doctor?"

"Mr. August he might die."

"No he can't die save him!"

"Calm down."

I try to control my breathing I put my hand on my chest trying to calm down. If Jacob die I dont know what I will do. no no god won't do this to me he will save my Jacob I just I just know it.

-two weeks pass-

I'm siting here scratching my head. I need him to breath or they going to pull the plug.

Beep! beep! beep!

I shot my head up and look at his heart monitor. It's beeping he he breathing. I run out and get the doctor and I look at him and just point to Jacob. I couldn't even speak I was so choked up.

"Who is you?" A very confused Jacob said.

"Baby this....this is your doctor."

"No.....I I meant you. who are you?"

I look down and look back up hoping this is a dream he he don't remember me. I start hyperventilating again and I grab my inhaler and I pump two times and I try to call myself down. I start crying again I stayed here and waited for him to wake up to kiss him and hold him and he.....he don't remember me.

Here is another chapter I'm not going to give too much away so yes it's short.

-will jacob remember Chresanto?

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