An explanation of sorts.

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That is something that I wish I had, an explanation.

When I came here to Belleview High, here in the middle of Massachusetts, I was told Melissa Mayville was the meanest, bitchiest person who held herself in such high regards and everyone else in lower ones.

She had good grades, good looks, good manipulation skills, and a well known family that contributed quite a lot to the small town.

But one thing she didn't have was a lot of friends.

Of course, everyone was her friend. But, as she would walk through the halls, alone, everyone would be talking about her. Whether they admired her attitude or despised it, was unknown. What was known, however, was the power she held over everyone.

It was as if just by being in her presence, you devoted your very soul to her.

Which, is something I find quite amusing when not one of them could tell you her favorite color, food, movie, band, or form of entertainment.

So how could they have possibly known that she was secretly dying inside?

No one CaresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ