My Country Playboy

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Placing my hands on my hips, I glance around at the sight in front of me. I stare up the concrete path leading to the porch of my brand new home. It may be a fixer upper, but it’s better than a run down one bedroom apartment in Pittsburgh.

Certain circumstances caused me to move back to my small hometown in Georgia. While some times, I felt lonely and missed the friendliness of the place I call home, it never quite seemed where I belong.

In Pittsburgh, I made new friends, ones that chose to be my friends not because there were only a handful of girls who you graduated with, but because they wanted to get to know me. I was the girl who chose to read during lunch, the one who had only a few friends but no true best friend, the girl who was ignored by most and tormented by the rest.

Pittsburgh was the place where I finally thought I belonged, up until I met someone who I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. After a year into the relationship, I broke it off, realizing he wasn’t the man for me. That’s when he started becoming obsessed. Things were never the same, which is why I find myself standing on the walkway leading to my new house.

The house may be new, but the town and it’s every nook and crannies are well known to me. During my childhood, I spent a lot of time by myself; whether by choice or not. I’ve never had a problem with being alone; in fact it suited me quite well.

My passion is reading, everything about it. I could devote a whole day to reading a book, no matter what the topic was about. I’ve had this passion since I was in junior high and everyone who actually knew of Delilah Madison knew she had her head stuck in a book at any given opportunity.

Being by myself a lot gave me the opportunity to explore, even though I wanted to get out of this town as fast as I could, I made due with exploring the woods and trails. I could walk them blind folded if I ever had the urge.

Walking up the walkway leading to my new home, I stepped onto the porch. Reaching to open the door, I balance the last of the boxes on my hip and step inside.

Just how I imagined, my dream home, just not quite the dream location, but life moves on; as they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. A few weeks back, I got a call from a family friend who works at the local school. Apparently the school’s librarian, Mrs. Nace, and her husband retired around the same time hoping to spend their later years in life traveling the world. Since I love books and she heard about my current uncomfortable situation with my ex-boyfriend, she figured I’d return home for a while.

Jumping at such a great opportunity, I didn’t think of the after affects. Now, not even home for more than twenty four hours and I hold regrets. Tonight, my mom plans to hold a family dinner for old times’ sake. Only problem is my family is just short from being called dysfunctional.

My sister, Scarlett, is only two years older than me; you’d think we’d be close, right? Guess again, my sister and I was inseparable throughout childhood. Then we went to high school, it’s as if it changed how she looked at me completely. She treated me like everyone else did at the time; the nerd who was in the way. Over time, nothing changed and I grew to except the fact that my sister changed throughout her teenage years. My older brother on the other hand, didn’t have the same belief as me.

My brother, Owen, who happens to be a year older than me, was my protector, the big brother that any girl would ever want. Given the opportunity, he’d be the brother that would intimidate my dates or made sure I was making the right choices, but that never happened. Owen and Scarlett were in the same grade due to Scar getting held back a year, meaning he knew everything that he did to me. He tried to prevent as many mishaps as possible, but even he can’t be everywhere at once.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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