chapter 1

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Koichi's POV

BEEP BEEP BEEP. I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I fumble around the bedside table until I finally find the clock and turn it off. It's another 6am start, I sigh to myself to myself before u get up to take a shower but my phone rings. I look at the caller ID to see that It was MiA calling. Before answering I mutter "what does he want". Hello i answer and all I get is him telling me he was outside. Shit I forgot he was picking me up this morning. And I dont even get to shower. I quickly get dressed and brush my pink hair and rush out of the door almost falling out of it.


I get into my car because I have to pick up the pink haired cutie know as koichi then, to meet tsuzuku and meto at the recording studio so we can finish 'To End' To Be Or Not To Be. Yes if you haven't guessed it I'm MiA the lead guitarist for Mejibray.
I pull up outside of Koichi's apartment and call him "hello I'm outside now" ok is all he replied then hangs up. About 10 mins later he almost falls out his apartment door. "He's so cute" I said out loud just as he he gets in the car. I flush bright red hoping he didn't hear it.

Koichi's POV

I get into MiA's car and I'm sure he said something about something being cute but I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear it. I try and make small talk and get yes and no answers from him so we fall into silence 5 mins into the car ride. 15 mins later we arrive at the studio to see tsuzuku and meto all ready waiting for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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