Blue love

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Hi, I'm Teddi. I'm 15 years old. my friends are April and Missy. april is my oldest friend. but missy, we met 2 years ago. I have a wonderful life. if you count having 10 brothers and 1 bathroom "wonderful".


"Daddy!!" I say

"Yes my princess?" he asks

"It's moms birf day!" I say kissing one of my 2 front teeth

"Yes of course."

"What are we going to do for her?"

"Well we have toast and bananas"


::end of flashback::

Mom....... how I miss her. she died from... THEM!!!! curse you bitches, Kraang. I'm in the middle of there invasion. I was tested on horrible experiments when I was a baby.



"Get project 3254!"



"Come to mommy."


"Tyler get in board!"

"Mom look out!"


::end 0f flashback::

Anyways story short, she was mutated then shot. I have a sick little stalker who is just GROSS. he like 'uses' girls. my school is messed up. say have you seen april lately.....

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