"Bella dear... My family and I are all vampires," Carlisle said sombrely.

I didn't know how to react, what to say. For the first time in my vampire life, I am not prepared for something. I always imagined what I would say. However, now the time was here, I was clueless.

I didn't know what to do so I just simply said, "My ex-boyfriend is a vampire."

They all looked at me shocked. "You know about vampires? Who is your ex-boyfriend?" Alice asked me.

"Yes I do. I found out a couple of years ago. I was going out with this guy, Jason Vermont. He was the perfect boyfriend for the first couple of months though my friend warned me about him. She never liked him and told me that he was no-good and it would only end with me hurt or dead in a ditch somewhere. I just wrote her off and ignored her, said she was jealous because I had the perfect man and she didn't. His perfect façade disappeared when we went to a party one night and he tried to force himself on me. Fortunately my friend stopped him and dragged me outside and down all these streets before she pulled me into an alley. She explained everything; From what she and Jason were to how she knew Jason. She knew what he did to his prey, he dates them until they give themselves to him and then he drains them of blood. Seemingly it heightens the pleasure for him, making the blood taste better. She gave me a glass vial and told me to drink it, said it would mask my scent and heartbeat and everything so he wouldn't be able to find me. She then got me to hide behind some dumpsters and told me how he was going to kill her but I couldn't let him know I was there. She said it was her duty, that she lived to protect me. It was weird... and then he appeared in the alleyway and he ripped her to pieces, he was going to look for me but something scared him off." I spoke, staring ahead blankly, my mind in the past.

"Bella... Jason Vermont is in Forks. He’s the one that kidnapped Edward. He contacted Tanya and told her he wanted you because... well, because you are the human descendant of a half human and half vampire hybrid. It was destined hundreds of years ago that you will have a vast amount of power. You’ll be the most powerful vampire in the world. That is why he wants you. He wants to change you into a vampire. No vampire will ever be as powerful as you, not even any children you have. You will still be able to have children if you are turned into a vampire because you will have a power that allows you to," Carlisle said.

My mind blanked. Jason has found me. Jason is here. Jason wants me back. Jason has Edward. What if he hurts him? What if he kills him? I got brought out of my daze by a stinging pain. I looked up in shock at Rosalie whose hand was in the air. She had slapped me.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I yelled, getting to my feet and struggling to hold in my anger. The urge to crouch down and snarl at her was strong. I didn’t though because it would reveal what I am to them.

"You need to cut out of it, Bella!" Rosalie replied in equal volume.

"No Rosalie! You just don't get it! None of you do! You don't know Jason! I have never met anyone like him! When he wants something he won't stop. It won't matter if he has to kill hundreds of vampires to get me. He will do whatever it takes to get me back. I should know! I have spent the last two years running from him! Always looking behind me, scared of my own shadow, afraid that one day he will find me and take me back with him! Edward is in so much danger, there is a chance of him making it out of this alive! Of any of us making it out alive now that he knows you are involved with me! He will rip you all to pieces if you try to stand in his way! And I won't let you, none of you will risk your lives to help me. I will go meet with Jason and I will make him give Edward back to you! I will trade places with him. Edward is the most important thing right now!"

Everyone looked shocked at my outburst. It was silent until Alice stepped forwards and gripped my shoulders in her hands. "Bella. You are family, we aren't going to let you go into the lion's den with the intention of not coming back. It will kill Edward if you do that. Not to mention we also aren't going to allow you to go alone!"

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