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She woke up in a dark cave with a small fire built near her. Her vision was different ,her sense of smell and hearing was better. She saw her skin had turned into white fur, her arms and legs into paws. She had shifted; she had shifted into a white wolf. A sudden panic came over her. How did she get into a cave? Who took her in and why didn’t they kill her? There was something about the cave. It was covered by a sweet smell, it was calming her wolf, and for the first time in her life she felt safe. She was home, but how was it possible.
She slowly got up whining, her body tired from the shifting and pain ,but she slowly walked out of the cave with hesitation. She wasn’t scared, why would she be? She wanted to die anyway. The hesitation was due to the feeling she had never had before, that she was meant to be here and her wolf didn’t want her to move away from this place.
Jessica came to the mouth of the cave where she could hear the twigs snapping at a distance and the smell that she picked up in the cave was getting more intense. Her wolf was excited to see the person. If her wolf was excited and the feeling of sparks which were slowly radiated all over her body meant only one thing and that was her mate was coming towards her.
Now a sense of panic washed over her. She is going to meet her mate. What if he rejects her too? The pain would be unbearable. Would he even accept her? She is just a weak and pathetic wolf. She had no idea how to hunt or fight and she would be the worst kind of mate a guy could have.
No she couldn’t handle more rejection and she couldn’t handle any more abuse especially from her mate. It would be better to run away from him now and die, rather than staying here and getting rejected. At least he wouldn’t be ashamed of her right? Let's run away she begged her wolf crying.
"NO," her wolf screamed. No more running, no more crying, and no more excuses of being weak. We didn’t decide to be orphans, we didn’t decide to be a girl, we didn’t decide we would be humiliated and abused by our own pack, but at least now we will decide how our destiny unfolds. It is time we take a stand.
But what if our mate rejects us? She asked.
If he does then we will think about it. Why do we always have to think negative, always be insecure? Is it because we are a girl? No we won’t know unless you see, unless you tell, and finally unless you face the situation. Whatever the result good or bad at least our conscience would be in peace that we tried. Imagine if you made a wrong decision by being a coward. What if he was the best thing that happened in our pathetic life and we let it slip?
We always make assumptions and everyday cry about it, but instead if we ever had the guts to confront it then and there, whether the result hurts us or not we can at least move on with our lives without regret, rather than dreading it.
“I didn’t know I had a strong wolf within me, “she said.
Did you forget, you are me and I am you? You are strong, but you don’t recognize your own strength and courage.
Their thoughts were interrupted by a loud break of a twig. She turned to see in the direction of the noise to see her mate, a guy about twenty years old, 6 feet tall, jet black eyes and black hair with perfectly toned muscular body and muscles, except for the number of scars in his body and a big scar over his face on his right eye giving him a bad ass look. He was carrying fire wood and two dead rabbits.
He looked her in the eye and gave her a smile. "So you finally got up."

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