Chapter 2

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(Usagi's pov)

I haven't seen Misaki in an entire day. I'm out of Misaki. I'm going to skip the rest of this trip and go back with him and get me some more Misaki. I've been here for a while but no Misaki. Where is he? I decide to call him to make sure he's okay. He picks up on the forth ring. 


" Misaki? Where are you?"

Instead of answering me he starts coughing. Something's wrong. "Misaki, are you okay? Are you sick?"

He laughs. "Um yeah. It seems I am but don't worry. It's no big deal. We can still go to the aquarium. Just give me a minute to get ready."

"No! Stay there. I'll be right there." I snap my phone shut and quickly get to my car. Who's taking care of him?! Why didn't he call me sooner?! Stupid selfless Miskai. He probally didn't want me to worry about him but he's got to understand that if he doesn't tell me things I get even more worried. I zoom through the lanes getting honks from everyone else on the raod. I don't care. I just have to get to Misaki. 

I end up getting in a little traffic on the way there so I arrive later than I thought. I just open the door when I here a crash. I run inside and see Misaki on the ground and glass pieces and soup surrounding him. 

"Misaki!" Worry takes over me so I rush to help him but he puts a hand out telling me to stop.

"Stay away Usagi or you might get sick." 

Oh Misaki. Worrying about me when you should worry about yourself. But something in his voice held me back. I let him pull himself onto the counter and instally regrets it. He starts swaying.

"U-Usagi." Is all he gets out before he collapses. I rush over and catch him before he hits the ground. 

"Misaki!" I pull him up onto my lap. His face is bright red and he's shaking like crazy. He's much more sick than he thought. 

I quickly grab him in my arms and carry him bridal style to his bed and lay him down.I get tons of blankets and lay them on top of him. He's burning up. I rush and get a cold towel to put on his forehead. As I get the towel I also search the cabinets for some medicine. I finally find some and go back to Misaki. I put the towel on his forehead and prop his head up so he doesn't choke on the medicine. I put the pill in his mouth and pour some water after. He drinks and the pill goes down. After a few minutes the medicine takes affect and his breathing calms down and he doesn't shake as much.

I breath a sigh of relief. He's okay for now. I let him sleep and go clean up the soup and the shattered bowl. 

~time skip to next day~

I've stayed by Misaki's side and took care of him since yesterday. He's been sleeping the entire time and I've gotten more worried. If that's even possible. 

I'm in the kitchen re-wetting the towel when I hear Misaki in his room. I run in there and see him thrashing around and mumbling. His eyes suddenly scrunch up and he starts yelling.

"Misaki!" I yell as I run to his side. He's having a nightmare. His head thrashes from side to side and he starts to cry. I place my hand on his shoulder and the other on his forehead. "It's okay. It's okay Misaki. I'm here. I'll always protect you." I kiss his forehead and he seems to calm down a bit. Like he senses I'm and I'll save him. I start to lean back but I guess he senses that too because he starts crying again. I understand and lay down in the bed next to him. He immediately quiets down and snuggles next to me. 

I smile. So you have missed me. "You're out of Usagi." I whisper to him and his lips barely pull up into a smile. I close my eyes and fall asleep next to him. 

Gomenasai!!!! I was very tired yesterday and I figured no one was reading this crap thing so I thought "why not skip one day? No one will know anything." But then I saw that three people read this and I felt bad. Gomenasai!!!!!!!! 

.(  sad pirate

The next and last chapter will be uploaded tomorrow. I promise.

Till next time!!!!~

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