Darling, don't be so shy

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Ok this is just a quick one shot I got the idea for. If enough people like this one and I get ideas for more I might turn this into a book of one shots so vote/comment and please let me know what you think 😊

You heave a sigh as you shut the TV off without leaving the couch. You had promised Lynn you would clean the house while she was at rehearsal with Brian and Alex, but today was your day off and you were feeling lazy. You looked down at your outfit, a black tank top and a pair of short red pajama shorts. Yeah, it was definitely a lazy day.

Normally though you don't mind cleaning. You and Lynn had been together for a couple of years and had just moved in together a few months ago. You guys had made the deal that when she had things going on with her band you would take care of the chores around the house.

Thinking about how hard she had been working lately motivated you to get up and pull your hair back before looking around the house, wondering where to start. Lynn would be home in a couple hours and you had a lot to do.

You pick up your phone, put all your music on shuffle and decide to start with the living room, bringing the few dishes into the kitchen and rearranging the pillows on the couch. Books get put back on the shelf, the coat hanging over the chair gets hung up in the closet and the crumbs get vacuumed. You move on to the bedroom, humming along to the music and dancing a bit as you push the vacuum around the bed. You make the bed and throw the dirty clothes into the laundry basket.

By the time you finish the bedroom and move on to the kitchen you're singing along to your music at the top of your lungs and dancing like a complete fool. But whatever, it's making the cleaning more fun.

You're in the middle of sweeping the kitchen floor when mirrors by Pvris comes on. You smile to yourself as you think of how Lynn laughd at you whenever you listen to her music. But seeing as how she isn't here to make fun of you, you turn it up a little bit and keep singing along.

You're partway through the second verse, using the broom as a microphone, when you see the screen on your phone light up with a notification. You pause what you're doing and check to see what it is. You stare at your phone in confusion when you see that it says that Lynn Gunn tagged you in a video on instagram. You unlock your phone and open the app.

Your mouth drops in shock as you watch the video. On the screen is a video of you, from not more than a minute ago dancing around the kitchen and singing into the broom handle. You scroll down to read the caption.

Lynngvnn: Looks like we might have to have a guest singer on our next tour 😛😍

You spin around, ready to yell at her for posting the video without telling you but she isn't there. You turn back to your phone to make sure you didn't see things wrong.

Yup. Theres a video of you in your pajamas, singing and dancing like an idiot.

You shut the music off and put your phone down. As you make your way out of the kitchen you hear the shower running. You storm off to the bathroom, ready to yell at her for getting home early, sneaking up, taking the video and posting it. When you step into the bathroom, however, you get momentarily distracted by the sight of her silhouette behind the frosted glass shower door.

"Did you come to give me an encore performance?" She asks.

You snap out of your trance. "No I came to see why my girlfriend thinks it's ok to post videos of me online without my permission" you say in your best angry voice, even though your momentary anger is quickly dissipating. You've never had any bad experiences with her fans, and the more you think about it you don't really care what they think anyways.

She sticks her head out of the shower door. "Aw c'mon babe, don't be mad. It was adorable. Come take a shower with me?"

You stand your ground. You know you'll get in the shower with her but she's not getting off the hook that easy. You cross your arms but take a step closer to the shower. "You're dripping on the floor. And you haven't apologized yet."

She smirks at you before putting on a serious face. "You're right babe. I'm sorry I took the video."

You take another step closer so that you're right in front of her, looking her the the eyes, "And?"

She keeps her serious face in place but a mischievous glint pops up in her eyes. "And I'm also very sorry for what I'm about to do."

You open your mouth to ask her what she's talking about but before you can say anything the flings the shower door open, grabs you be the arm and drags you into the shower, spraying you with the shower hose.

You scream and try and get away but theres not really anywhere to go and she was still holding your arm. "You are definitely not sorry for that." You say, smiling desoite yourself and looking down at your clothes that are now soaking wet.

She stands there laughing as you stand there trying to wipe some of the water out of your eyes. "No. Not really" She says, still laughing.

You grab the shower hose from her and turn it on her, yelling and laughing along with her. "Say you're sorry!"

She shrieks and trys to block the water with her hands, laughing even harder than she was before.

You step closer. "Say you're sorry!" You yell again, still laughing.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" She manages to get out between giggles.

She wraps her arms around your waist as you place the hose back where it belongs.

You turn to her and let your hands rest around the back of her neck, pulling her down for a quick kiss. She pulls back and rests her forehead against yours. "I love you" She whispers as both of your laughter dies down.

"I love you too" You smile and whisper back before succumbing to the steam and the feel of her body pressed against yours.

Darling, Don't be So ShyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon