7) Leia or Rey

To be honest i would have to chose Rey. Mostly because she is different then many of the other characters. Where as Leia, in my opinion, was kind of annoying, though it is mostly because me and my best friend love harrison ford (Han Solo) and the fact that Leia got him was what makes us not fully like her. 

8) What is the one word you say the most?Is it annoying? if so, why?

The word i say the most is "dude". And yes it does get pretty annoying cause every time i want to tell someone something that is exiting or important i always start the sentence off with "Dude". Even though i try not to keep repeating it by using "yo" i usually don't catch myself in time.

9) Favorite color?

My favorite color of all time is of a blueish-green. This is mostly due to the fact that i love the color of the ocean and the way the sun reflects off of it's surface. And though i love blue, i also love the color green thanks to the god of mischief. And the mixture of the two just makes an amazing color that is not too vibrant yet it is not dull.

10) You have one 3pt shot (basketball), you make it and you get 5 million dollars, you miss it and you got to prison for 8 months. Would you shoot it?

I would rather not take the chance of going to jail and ruining my record. Either i am not very good at basketball anymore. Though i would have loved to possibly win 5 MILLION Dollars. I could have used that money for so many things it's just that  i would not want to risk jail time and i always have bad luck so the possibility of me making that shot would be slim. 

11) Your favorite actor/actress died, what do you do to all the belongings that are of them?

If my favorite actor/actress died then i would first start off with bawling my eyes out and curling up into a ball. And then if i were in charge of what happened to their merchandise, if i am understanding this question correctly, i would still want to sell their merchandise in memory of them though i would still want to keep some of it and maybe create a memorial.

12) Would you like to visit the Woodland Realm or Rivendell?

Though i love both houses of the Elves i would most love to visit Rivendell. I mean the the purity of this land is unbeatable. The water falls surround their home and its beauty shines through out. I would also be able to meet Lord Elrond which would be AMAZING!!! The only thing that i would be upset about is not being able to meet the sassy Thranduil and his magnificent son Legolas. 

13) Why have you chosen Wattpad over Audible or any other social media?

I chose Wattpad over the other social medias because it is the first website i found, and is was the only one that would have a story written for every subject, ship, and fandom that i searched i google. It is also very diverse and gives everyone on the site to be who they want to be and to do something they love for free the way they wish to do it. There are no requirements. And everyone on this site is super friendly as well.

Tags                                                                                                                                                                                                     Aidanturnerimagines                                                                                                                                                  Kitchenator                                                                                                                                                                      LunaXial                                                                                                                                                       writingislikefood                                                                                                                                                        EleanorLearn                                                                                                                                                              MarvelLover4Life                                                                                                                                                           Nathalie_95                                                                                                                                                                 cow_queen                                                                                                                                                                       jumpingmanatee                                                                                                                                                              lunawolf8074                                                                                                                                                                   Tolkein4Life                                                                                                                                                                       samwise_gamgee                                                                                                                                                       starwar123

My questions to those i tagged:

1) Who/What is the first thing you obsessed over?

2) Have you ever met any of your idols?

3) What is your favorite sport and why?

4) If you were able to meet 5 fictional characters, who would they be?

5) Favorite color?

6) What caused you to join wattpad?

7) What inspired you to start writing?

8) What would you ask for if you knew the answer was yes?

9) If we were all forced to wear a warning label what would your read?

10) If you could visit any fictional world, where would you go?

11) what are your 2 favorite ships

12) Who are you when no one is around?

13) What is your favorite way to spend your time?

Btw if you were already tagged before i am sorry i did not know. This is my first time being tagged for something on Wattpad. 

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