Ch. 1 - Reader POV

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I sighed, looking around my empty living room. My parents had gone out for dinner at a very nice kosher restaraunt, and obviously left me behind. I felt a little creeped out, so I called my best friend, Kyle. He picked up on the third ring.


"Kyle, it's _____.."

"Huh? Oh, hey _____. Uh, why're you calling right now? Mom's fixing dinner.."

"Kyle, Mom and Dad went to dinner and left me here. Can I come hang out with you, or can you come over here? Just for a couple of hours? Please.. I'm alone.."

"Well yeah.. Let me ask Mom."

He left the phone for a moment, and murmuring was heard in the background. Kyle returned shortly.

"I'll be there in five. Stay put, okay? I'll see you when I get there." Kyle knew how I got when I was afraid, and he was a great friend.

"Okay.. And.. Kyle?"

"Yeah _____?"

"..... I...... Thanks.."

"Not a problem. Alright, I'm on my way."

"Okay.. See you when you get here.."


I hung up with a sigh and looked around, my heart fluttering slightly. I willed myself to calm down, but I just couldn't do it. I had liked Kyle for a few years now, and he was now going to be alone with me.. Willingly.


(( Alright, there's part one! :3 Hope you guys enjoyed, I'll be back with the second part soon! ))

South Park - Reader x KyleWhere stories live. Discover now